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4 hours ago
Bi-curious Female, 62
Straight Male, 67
0 km · Winnipeg


not from this forum it appears, not from FB itself. suspect maybe phishing expedition.

Quote by ourfantasylife

forums for the most part on every site are dead for good reason. Too many posts by too many people. Many are only 1 post so wading thru them takes more time than most people can afford to wast in their busy lives. 
 I respectfully disagree, we have a profile on another site that sees multiple daily threads and conversations, an active and vibrant (although sometimes like High School) community exchanging ideas, advice and everything in between.


we didn't say all sites, just most that we are members of. Endless posts with 1 or 2 comments from years gone by with the odd active thread is the norm. 

Quote by jSquared101
Quote by nudebeachbums
forums for the most part on every site are dead for good reason. Too many posts by too many people. Many are only 1 post so wading thru them takes more time than most people can afford to wast in their busy lives. 
That does seem to be true of "dating style" sites. It's not, however, true of more social sites like FetLife or Facebook. I belong to some groups that are quite active. But it's always just a small percentage of the members that actually post. And you know what? The members that post often become well known and sought after. Unless they are posting negative stuff all the time. Those people are shooting themselves in the foot.


We hear what your saying, but your getting off track from the original forum post now. People get confused easy enough already without bringing more content into the discussion. 

Quote by jSquared101
@ourfantasylife ~ Basic members can't post to forums. I'm not sure that really matters, though. Even on sites where it's free to use forums, only a small percentage of members actually post.


forums for the most part on every site are dead for good reason. Too many posts by too many people. Many are only 1 post so wading thru them takes more time than most people can afford to wast in their busy lives. 

Quote by motley15
Seems to be a lot of chatting and no serious people about meeting.
Frustrating sending messages and knowing they look at your profile and not even the decency to say hello or reply at all.


being a single male you may not understand, but women and even couples get bombarded with e-mails ect from single males continually , even though the 1st thing on their profile is "WE ARE NOT INTERESTED IN SINGLE MALES".  Now we are all for politeness, but it goes both ways. If your messaging someone who you can't even be bothered to read their profile , or you do but message anyway and they don't respond don't get your panties all in a bunch. And the old "well I just thought you may have changed you mind, or I'm gods gift to women gets a little tedious after the 1st thousand times. 

When it comes to meeting people on any of these sites we have learned one thing is paramount; be patient. It can be fustrating until you accept that not everyone is on the same page and many can be deceptive.

  No surprise that most people feel the same issues. Many single men feel no one meets. Couples spend a lot of time in banter among people who are always to busy to meet, or have something always come up at the last minute. it's the game of numbers so you single guys are /2 of what's here, so you dudes have a lot of competition among your pears. The strangest thing is the amount of no shows we hear about from single women. 2/3 of the men never show up after pursuing the woman for weeks, like ??? 

     We never payed much attention to the vouches but can understand how they work. We think we would rather not have the vouches on our profile, we are strong believers in the " don't kiss and tell". Your basicly saying we have been with these people..... we understand it may have been to play bridge, but most will assume it was  a sexual meeting.

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