*We are taking an indefinite pause meeting any new play partners. July 2023.
Time for an update! We are a happily married couple, together over 30 years now. We have been in the lifestyle about 7 years, started with swinging and have evolved over time to be closer to polyamorous. We each see other people solo too.
With this profile we are looking for like minded females or males to have thresome play together. We enjoy watching each other with others as well as jointly pleasing others. Socially, we enjoy dining out, just going for drinks, dancing, bonfires, camping, hiking and a lot of other stuff too.
We are both fully vaccinated, drug and disease free and practice safer sex with condom use with others at all times. People who are on the same page with this are who we want to meet.
Send us a message if we sound like people you'd like to get to know!
Happy searching all!
L and S