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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 64
Bi-curious Female, 58
0 km · Montréal-Nord


Newbies here , but we are sure of several things. We want first friendships to develop, we are not the type to rush in nor for one night stands, We have jobs , families, little leagues , lol big leagues etc. You get the picture ! What we seek , are long term relationships with those special benefits , where we can all let loose every so often. It will no matter who you are , or what you bring to the table, we already know what we are looking for hope we can find you. NO SINGLES MALE OR FEMALE !!!! We are looking for married , MARRIED couples . Sorry for the rant , but those of you that have gone thru that know what we mean , those who haven't , soon will find out . Be well all play safe.

Let us say again !!!!!NO SINGLE MALES OR FEMALES!!!!!!! i guess it was't that clear before.


Adult parties
Anal sex
Erotic writing
Group sex
Oral sex


Male Couple
Female Couple
Age: 40 - 100
Distance: 250 km