Were looking to Host
We have no plans for this Saturday Night (22nd)
420 approved lol
So if you're free this weekend and looking for something to do, reach out and let's get planning
You can find us in chat room (Pool)
Seeking Straight or Bi Couples, Females, Bi-Males
We would like to exchange a recent pic after a few short chats.
Were just a married couple that loves sex.
We love our 420
Were not looking to play endless chat tag.
Were not looking to date.
Were not looking nor have any drama in our life.
We have a great tribe of FWB but were always looking to add more.
A Perfect Night to Meet and Greet would be:
"Drop by., say hi, have a drink light some weed and enjoy..if sex happens great, if not no problen.
If we become friends along to way great, if not no harm.
We cant make things any easier
Were not shy, were nudists, were no bullshit people, what you see is what you get
So if this sounds like something you be interested in great, please reach out, all we ask, is include detaills and recent pic and we will do the same