I don't fuck other men because my husband is small or bad in bed. He just likes to spoil me 🖤
My husband and I partake in the Hotwife/Stag dynamic. I have full reign over who I want to play with and as such make all the decisions.
Hubby says I'm a size queen, I say I like a challenge.
I am partial to men 25-40, with slight wiggle room in each direction depending on the person. I will want to see a face pic before anything and am more than happy to share one as well. I like to meet for coffee or whatever before/if anything were to happen, this is for both our sakes.
We like to take pictures and/or videos but can keep faces out and, of course, confidentiality is guaranteed. My husband likes to watch and join in, this will only happen if all parties are comfortable with it, but I will be the center of attention.
I am not looking for online friends.