She is petite, athletic and --all natural, 32DD. Age 47 and pretty. Gym type. Photos recent. He is cool and non-aggressive.
While voyeurism can be fun most people are naturally shy or don’t have the relationship or resources to meet anyone and are merely Experience Seekers. We recommend finding a good local club, putting down the money and seeing if you get lucky. Or an education, or a group of like-minded that you can build upon. This is a big part of it vs online surfing.
SH should have a “certification” system for it’s Members like SLS (more active in the Southern USA). This means once you have ACTUALLY connected with someone, both can Certify the member (and profiles then can have a check mark, if Certified (and how many!) as being real, fun, their attributes etc. Usually with a tag, “hope to see you again!” It also let’s other site members check out who you were with, LOL and they can close off that preference with Certified Members only, but most keep it public. We described this only to say-that verified and certified are the best tools you can use- Fear not, all good things come to pass and it's really, really incredible.
It’s good to cut to the chase. This has helped us. Get out and explore! :swingingchair:
The fact (True) story just got approved. First one, I have alluded to...and yes...really...interesting...tells more than I can ever say here. Match it up with the photo gallery, LOL https://www.swingingheaven.ca/...