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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 45
Male, 23
0 km · Moose Jaw


Hey all, long time no log in for me here. Things have finally changed for me. I am with a boyfriend I love more than anything else in the world right now and together now he and I are looking for a mystical unicorn like I used to be. Hey, I know they exist because I was one for a long time!!! LOL

My man and I are not into playing with other guys at all so I am sorry to both single guys and couples. We are NOT interested. We are simply unicorn hunting for now and I will keep you posted if us playing with couples ever changes. Until then, he and I will continue on our search for the perfect playtime unicorn.

He is a beautiful Pakistani man who is bloody amazing in bed; he is 5'10 of medium build and is a beautiful brown man.. YUMMY!!!

I am a goofy, short 5'1 kinda on the bigger side at the moment, but I am comfortable in the skin that I am in, but am always striving to make myself better physically.

What we are searching for is strictly a girl to play with as I am bisexual and need another woman in my life from time to time for play only and he wants to gain the experience of a threesome. 

So, what do you say unicorns?? Looks us up! Always wanted to know what it was like to be with a beautiful brown man??  I have one here that I will share with you for a night, have it your way!!  mmhmmmm :)

I am not sure how to add a person No. 2 to my list, but he is a 33 year old beautiful brown man from Pakistan who is amazing in bed, so come play with us!! :)


Adult parties


Age: 27 - 41
Distance: 310 km