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Halifax/HRM Dogging
Public - 123 Members
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This is a group for those of you who are interested or just curious about dogging in the Halifax and surrounding area. Dogging is basically a casual consensual group sex swinging genre that takes place in public, involving participants who actively engage in sexual activity and spectators who watch. So, if you are interested in dogging or looking to go dogging, perhaps this group can help. It's intention is to cater to discussions, topics, and posts for local dogging, plus safe and private dogging spots. Please feel free to post your dogging, stories etc. I found the 10 Commandments of Dogging from another site so I will post them here because I expect the posting of the actual site name is prohibited. Here it goes... 10 Commandments of Dogging 1. Thou shalt wear latex condoms for obvious reasons if participating in that sort of activity. 2. Thou shalt not fornicate before innocents. Keep your revelries from the eyes of children and unsuspecting passersby, and refrain from disturbing the peace and attracting attention. 3. Thou shalt not block your neighbor's view. Take care not obscure the sight of your fellow dogger, and yield the right of way to those who arrived before you. 4. Thou shalt look with your eyes, not with your hands, until invited. Keep your hands to yourself unless given explicit verbal permission. 5. Heed the sanctity of a woman's right to refuse. What part of "No" do you not understand, you pushy bastard? 6. Honour thy neighbor's anonymity. Thou shalt not expose, blackmail, or otherwise compromise the privacy of your fellow doggers. 7. Thou shalt not destroy public property nor trespass upon private property. The parks, beauty spots, lovers' lanes and parking areas of our fair city shall not be desecrated through vandalism or carelessness. 8. Thou shalt covet thy neighbors' wife. Thou shalt swing and make merry with your own mate and all other consenting parties. 9. Thou shalt clean up after oneself. Before departing, gather your used condoms, torn wrappers, discarded tissues and other garbage, and dispose of them properly. 10. Thou shalt drive safely and honor the laws, both while motoring and parking. Thou shalt not engage in reckless behavior while in a moving vehicle, and thou shall park legally and engage the parking brake when at rest.

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Halifax, NS, Canada


Exhibitionism Voyeurism Dogging

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