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The First Step

""It's always a doozy...""

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DISCLAIMER:  This was a story that was written at the end of  2013.  I am dusting it off and deciding to publish out of pure sentimentality.  I am not a professional writer by any stretch of the imagination.  The reason I wrote such a detailed account of that day was for archival purposes; at the time of writing, I imagined myself on my deathbed with a waning memory of all the key scenes of my life and this single 24 hour period in particular was one I did NOT want lost in the fog of old age.  This account is also NOT erotica per se.  So I apologize in advance if that is what you were looking for.  This is an honest-to-God accounting of how we jumped headlong into this amazing community.


This account was written approximately one month after the day of our initial visit to Oasis Aqualounge; our first foray into the big world of “the lifestyle”. It took place on the weekend of Dec. 7th 2013 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.



I’ll preface the story with a personal backdrop.  Both my partner and I went through painful separations in our marriages at the beginning of this year (20 plus years for each of us).  It involved shifts in family, homes, work, social circles and was the most soul crushing transition we’ve ever endured.  

Through counselling and support from close friends and family our lives slowly improved over the course of the year.  The farther we moved from the initial break up, the more we began to stabilize in our lives.  Fortunately, we are now on relatively amicable grounds with our exes and they are each happy in their own relationships.  All our biological children (2 for me, 2 for her) are healthy and spend ample time with all the parental figures in their lives, getting plenty of love from their new immediate and extended families.

When my new partner and I started dating in the spring we discovered much to our delight we were ridiculously compatible not just socially, emotionally, and intellectually but sexually as well.  During the getting-to-know-each-other phase, we learned to feel completely safe.  In turn, this allowed us to be uninhibited in ways neither one of us ever experienced in our previous relationships.  There was no shame or ridicule.  Thus only now were we starting to feel truly “free” to be ourselves without excuses or preconditions.  Turns out we have a penchant for domination and submission, exhibitionism, bondage, sensory play, and role-playing.  I’ve always been interested in BDSM and as did she.  However, as her previous partner was controlling and had double standards about how “proper” women should behave, and what “proper” women should desire, she never let on she had these urges. Oh and one more thing, we also had plenty of fantasies about group sex.

Fast forward to the fall of 2013.  To expand her diminished social circle (some friends left her upon learning of the divorce), my girlfriend joined a belly-dancing and burlesque troupe.  She also did it partially for me as I love watching her dance (she knew too that my previous partner would never have entertained the thought of doing such a thing).  The class met once a week for three months culminating in a recital on December 6th.  My birthday was December 8th. The wheels in my head turned:  “This looks like it could be a special weekend…. maybe one of living out fantasies?”  I reasoned that we can’t be the only couple wanting an outlet to live out fantasies; shouldn’t there be a market for this?  So, as with anything else I tackle in life, I began to research diligently.

Browsing through internet forums, I discovered the concept of “lifestyle clubs”; places couples who engaged in ethical non-monogamy (re: the proverbial “swinger”) could meet, mingle and possibly do more.  I poured over review sites, news articles, homepages, anything and everything that might have morsels of information.  In doing so, I spotted a pattern of several big recurring names: Wicked, M4, Oasis, X Club.  Of these, Oasis had the best ratio of positive to negative reviews.  There were some complaints here and there but the consensus appeared to be it was a nice, clean, body and sex-positive space that went out of its way to make clients (especially females) feel safe.  I decided this would be our ‘first step’.  I emailed the staff questions pertaining to a few negative reviews I saw posted on Google and what they had done to rectify it.  Being the perennial boy scout, I tried to prepare for everything and by nature I am overly cautious.  They got back to me quickly and responded in a professional manner to assuage my fears.  I then turned to Fetlife to ask broader practical questions about first-time goers and got a lot of great advice.

I kept this all a secret.  I was giddy with anticipation as we had talked repeatedly about this fantasy of public and group sex but never thought it a possibility.  However, I also braced myself for the chance that if she rejected it, I would be completely fine and respect her choice.  To this end, I had a “vanilla” back up plan of dinner at a fancy restaurant and movies; standard dating fare but still wonderful.

December 6th rolled around.  She was stunning in her burlesque recital.  In fact, her entire group of friends were amazing and a sight to behold; all dolled up strapped into matching leather corsets with fishnet stockings.  It was hot as fuck!  The entire time she was gyrating and shaking her hips on stage at our local community center, her eyes were locked squarely on me in the front row.  It felt as if the entire show was for my pleasure!  I was transfixed by her beauty and deep in the back of my mind all I could think was “Oh god, I hope she’s like what I have planned for tomorrow!!”  

After the recital, we went with the dance troupe to a local pub with a live band. We ate a small meal then danced the night away.  Neither one of us are drinkers or smokers but it was nevertheless intoxicating.  We get such a high from each other it almost FEELS like we are drunk.

We got home that night feeling frisky and playful.  I took several photos before she peeled off the burlesque attire.  (We love taking erotic snapshots of each other.  In contrast, our previous partners for 20+ years were not keen on being photographed in the bedroom.  My partner and I do our best to be conscious of our fitness and nutrition, but our previous partners much less so. This fact might be why they were averse to this activity.  Not surprisingly, these differences in priority also killed a lot of the desire in our previous relationships.)

Since I knew the weekend agenda, I had been devilishly playing hard to get with my partner – holding off on intercourse during the week to whet her appetite.  There was a lot of foreplay and mutual masturbation but no full-fledged sex.  Needless to say, she was RABID Friday night after the recital and would not put up with my shenanigans of denying her. She jumped my bones as soon as the bedroom door closed and had her way with me resulting in sweaty, messy, profanity filled, scorching hot sex.  We fell asleep and dozed late into the following morning ready to start on our adventure.




My birthday weekend started off the way we usually like to start special holidays; with brunch! We went out to Cora’s for a late morning meal then drove into Toronto powered by fresh coffee and waffles.  I booked us at the Ramada due to a special pricing (it’s literally a 15 second walk to Oasis past their parking lot).  Upon checking in, I confirmed with the hotel attendant I was getting a discount and he said “Yes, the Oasis room rate".  I could swear he gave me the faintest knowing smile as if to communicate “I know what you’ll be up to… you freaks!”  Ha!  But then again, maybe it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

Once in our room, my girlfriend started readying herself not knowing what she was in for.  God she’s a beautiful specimen and I’m so thankful not only for her looks but that we get on so well.  I noticed her glancing out the window towards Oasis as I went into the bedroom to change.  The thought ran through my head “Good God, what if she knows?  What if she makes a comment that she wants nothing to do with it?” I was conjuring up a panic attack. I reminded myself that it was perfectly cool if she didn’t want to go and we would still have a great time downtown if our plans changed.  Fortune favours the bold and we felt safe enough to be wildly bold. Still, I will not lie – I had my hopes up considerably.

At 11:30AM we walked out of the Ramada idly chatting.  Thinking we were heading to the subway to go elsewhere in the city, she strode briskly down the sidewalk heading to College station.  Although I gave spare hints through November it would be a “sexy” birthday weekend, she genuinely had no idea what was in store.  She later said her best guess was a trip to a strip club where I would treat her to a lap dance, maybe even getting a couples’ (erotic) massage.  As we passed the side of the orange bricked Oasis mansion and I stopped abruptly at the door.  She was rightly puzzled and her expression said “Huh? What is this?” I took her inside the main vestibule and to be frank it looked starkly different from the online video tour.  It was darker and more cramped in the entry hallway (mind you, the promo video was shot in summer and mostly in their open pool area).  We walked in and stopped at the pay station.  I wish I could have captured the look on my lover’s face!  She was open-mouthed in shock  – there was a hint of nervousness, fear, even timidity on her face.  She stood stiff and huddled close to me as I discussed the payment with the female attendant at the register.

I asked if we could get a tour before committing to the hefty entry fee as I worried about my girlfriend’s apparent fright.  I had the comfort of reading lots of information about Oasis; about how safe, friendly and accommodating both patrons and the staff were. In contrast, she was jumping in with fresh feet.  At first, the attendant explained she could only give us a verbal tour (disappointing as tour usually means “walking through a space”) but then a stocky tall male came through into the hallway.  She asked if anyone was playing on the second or third floors.  He said no and she explained this usually doesn’t happen but because Dave (fake name) was here and no one was on premise at the moment, she would accommodate our request. Hurray!  

Needless to say, Dave was fantastic. He took us through each floor and room and explained the purpose / theme / appeal of their setups.  More than that, however, he spent time assuaging my girlfriend’s fears about what goes on at the club.  He had been working here for a few years already as part time support staff for custodial and maintenance work.  Additionally, he and his partner were regular patrons.  He explained how the mood and vibe were different from other clubs (yet taking care not to speak negatively) as well as how he and his partner had come into the “lifestyle”, how patrons behave, protocols for dealing with assorted problems, rules and expectations, how to get amenities, etc.  He did his presentation in such a warm, humorous manner that it instantly eased my girlfriend’s mind.  She visibly relaxed and smiled and smirked at me.  Her mind was blown by the apparel in the second floor dungeon and was turned on by the notion of swimming together naked in the heated pool or lounging in the hot tub naked with others.  I don’t think anyone could have done a better job of giving a tour and we were super impressed by how he carried himself.

As a courtesy to my girlfriend, upon returning to the pay station we chatted out in the vestibule before paying.  I wanted to have a frank and open talk about what we were about to do.  I assured her there was ZERO pressure to do this and I had other things in mind if she didn’t want to be here.  I remember the look on her face: “fiendish” is the only way to describe it.  Her immediate response was an eager:  “Oh yeah, we are TOTALLY doing this.”  FUCKING SCORE!!!! We walked back in, I gladly paid our entrance fee, put wristbands on, and got assigned lockers.  Soon after, we walked out into the sunny bitter cold morning and continued heading to College Station, grinning, laughing and chatting up a storm the entire way.  I will never forget it.  Conversations drifted from how I was able to hide this surprise, what she thought was planned, fantasies we’ve shared about a place like this, how Dave seemed like a decent fellow, how ridiculously excited we both were, how the dungeon and theme rooms blew her fucking mind.  It was a haze; a brilliant, exciting haze of talking and walking and discussing the endless possibilities of our relationship, our future, and of how much we loved each other.

We arrived at the Eaton Center a little after noon and spent most of the early afternoon shopping and talking.  We reflected on the year gone by, how painful things had been, how much we loved and respected one another; how we didn’t see each other as possessions but as equals; and how we will go at a pace that is right for us.  It was a giddy afternoon building up excitement for a wild evening to come.  We spent a great deal of time at Sephora and Victoria’s Secret, her two favourite stores.  She’s a true girly-girl and loves getting dolled up both for herself and for me because she knows how beautiful I find her.  Copious amounts of Bubble tea helped sustain us!

In preparation for today, she had booked us a table at Spring Rolls (our favoured Asian fusion joint in the heart of Toronto) for 6:30 pm.  But seeing how excited we were, we ditched the reservation and ate early.  There was no usual line up so we got in and seated.  It was perfect.  Our table backed up onto a large window looking out into the crowded Christmas scene on the street.  We took pictures of ourselves to capture the moment.  Appetizers were Tom-yum soup and spring rolls to be shared alongside deep fried lo mein and a mango seafood rice dish. Earlier I mentioned we were generally non-drinkers but on special occasions (like tonight) my girlfriend treated herself to a favoured vice: red wine.  

Once done, we headed back to the Ramada, stopping by a grocery store to pick up a toothbrush and toothpaste we left at home in our excitement.  The weather was numbingly frigid!  We got to our room and thank God we remembered to leave the heaters on high.  After thawing out, we decided to get ready. We were feeling so frenetic.  It was like being eighteen again trying to decide what to wear to prom!  I kept looking through different shirts I had and she was combing through her multiple boots, shoes and sexy underwear.

In the end, she wore a pretty black dress with high leather boots and a tight sexy grey corset complete with nylon stockings and garters.  She wanted to wear her “stripper heels” but found that in all our window shopping, her feet had swollen and it would have been uncomfortable to wear such shoes (I’m fiend for glossy fuck-me heels).  On my end, I wore a body hugging shirt, nice jeans, and grey dress shoes.  When we arrived, there was an older couple ahead of us signing in.  We made eye contact, smiled at each other but thought nothing more of it.  We signed in, got our coats checked and headed to the bar.  There was a male with two women at the bar along with a smattering of people closer to the DJ booth.  Not busy at all.  Yes!  We had decided to head to Oasis around 8:30 because a) We were ridiculously excited to do so and b) were afraid it would be packed for by this point in the night (silly to think that now in retrospect) and c) DID I MENTION WE WERE RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED TO DO SO?!?!  But our adventure hit a small speed bump.  Stupidly, in an effort to alleviate the risk of losing important cards at the club, we left our ID in the hotel room and simply brought one debit and Visa card with us.  However, without ID we were unable to set up a tab at the bar.  I had $20 on hand but not knowing how expensive the drinks were and my girlfriend thought she would need at least one to “chill” , we trekked back to the Ramada in the freezing cold to rectify the situation.  It must have seemed to the doorman like a comedy of errors as it looked like we neither knew if we were coming or going.

Upon settling in for good and getting our tab set up, my girl ordered a Corona with lime.  I got water.  (Smartly, Oasis only has plastic cups - the wisdom of which was proven later that night I tipped my drink all over the hot tub tile. Glass would have easily shattered on the spot.)  Well, here we finally were!  What to do first?!? It felt like we were in an adult sexual Disney World (but we did not need to pay near the same price to attend Disney to get admission.  On the topic of adult trips –  Earlier this year we had toyed with booking a trip to Hedonism II in Jamaica but after going to a travel agent and checking prices, that plan quickly evaporated as we did not have thousands to spend on a 5 day trip no matter how exciting it was advertised.)  

My girlfriend had long fantasized about skinny dipping together so we went to the lockers to disrobe (How ironic all that time spent prepping what to wear!). While changing we were slightly self-conscious of how we looked and so always made sure to have a towel around us (despite the fact we are both fitness  / nutrition junkies and I think we looked decent for our age.  Over the years we have thankfully gotten over our self-consciousness).   I put away her sexy lingerie, boots and my clothes in the locker then went to the pool.  We got turned around at first in our search for the exit to the pool as Oasis  is a veritable maze of corridors and a million doors – akin to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. (“Oasis Sex Factory?”)

Upon getting our bearings, we arrived at the pool and found two other groups there (an “older” and “younger” group) each chatting and mingling.  Our towels dropped and we entered the water.  It was heaven to slide into a heated pool on a frigid night!  It made our skin dance.  One of the girls in the younger group approached us in a friendly manner and started some friendly banter.  The older group tended to themselves and talked about kids, the past summer and when they arrived at the club.  The night sky was crystal clear and you could see the steam rising off of the pool making everything feel a little otherworldly.  I held my girl as we looked at the darkness above.  I felt so close to her.  The only thing that dampened the mood were a few heavy smokers in the pool that caused wisps of cigarette smoke to blow.  We didn’t know if it was kosher and no one else there seemed to be bothered by it, thus we simply waded a little farther towards the deep end away from the smokers. 

Ha! This act terrified me.  Despite hailing from the Philippines, an archipelago composed of 7,000 islands, I’m not a good swimmer.  You’d think it’d be mandatory for survival where I’m from but NOPE! Deep water freaks me out (I still sink like a rock).  Funnily, my girlfriend secured me and floated me around the pool on my back.  We took turns doing this as I carried her around the shallow end.  It was incredibly relaxing.  Prior to leaving, clusters of patrons entered the pool or went to the small greenhouse enclosure nearby to “get happy” with weed.  A couple started to make out in the pool close to us as our swim session was coming to a close.  To be honest, it was a turn on just seeing lovers be so freely amorous in public.  As we stepped out of the pool I could hear a man in a kilt addressing his partner nearby saying “I’m just going to take her to the dungeon and do some rope play.”  They kissed and left.  We followed shortly thereafter towards the hot tub / sauna area of the mansion on the first floor.



In the large twelve-person jacuzzi, we found there were already two couples there talking quietly amongst themselves.  Giving a sheepish “hi”, we smiled as we entered the tub and sat on the opposite side. Our conversations were kept to whispers while the others engaged in cuddling and gentle stroking.  A few minutes later both couples decided to leave for elsewhere.  With a bit of privacy afforded us, my girlfriend and I began to kiss amorously and fondle each other.  I kept cupping her breasts in my hand, rolling her nipples till they were pert, nibbling on them, her neck and ears and sliding my tongue into her mouth tasting the wine she had been nursing earlier.  Ten minutes of this passed before the couple we had seen earlier in the evening at the pay station entered the tub.  Again, some pleasant hellos and smiles were exchanged but not much more.  We were feeling hornier and exhibitionistic, so we decided to be more daring.  My play with her breasts transitioned to propping her up on the edge of the tub as I began eating her out.  She closed her eyes and started to moan softly.  I could sense that the other couple were giving us fleeting glances when they weren’t busy kissing.  My girl then wanted a chance to show her appreciation to me; we changed places and she began to give me head as I sat at the edge of the pool.  She played with the tip of my shaft and licked me up and down making me rock hard.  Veins bulging and throbbing, she eagerly swallowed the head and proceeded to swallow as much of the shaft as she comfortably could.   I looked at the other couple right in the eyes as this was happening and smiled.  Remember this was the first time we had done anything this crazy in public after having lived quite conservative “normal” lives for decades.  It was a CRAZY rush of adrenaline to act this freely.

Finding the heat was getting to us, we departed from the hot tub with the goal of exploring the second floor dungeon.  The space was filling up and so we bumped (literally) into people filing out of the change room by the staircase.  With nothing but towels on, we walked into the dimly lit play space.  There were two couples already playing.  Remembering rules Dave explained earlier in the day, we sat down quietly on a large wooden bench nearby and did not interrupt.  A taller male had his partner strapped down on all fours to a wooden horse.  She was writhing and moaning but was incapable of any significant movement.  He had a large flogger looking to be made of latex with some heft behind it.  My partner and I love playing like this as well but my flogger is much lighter and the strands are composed of faux leather.  Despite how much force I put behind the strikes (I can get my lover’s ass quite red), I know I’m not causing significant pain or discomfort (or maybe she’s just gotten so used to our play she can tolerate more now?).  This man’s flogger was altogether different as you could hear “weight” behind the thwacks causing his partner’s behind to turn a deep crimson.  From time to time, he also took out a small pink plastic stick that looked like a thick ruler he used to gently spank her bottom.  Despite being gentle, these pats caused her to squeal loudly at the strikes.  Strangely, seeing this brought back memories of rattan switches I’ve seen fighters use to hit their abdominal muscles to heighten their pain threshold in the ring.  They’re made of light bamboo but cause significant discomfort.  I wondered if it was the same principle. 

The other couple in the room was a pale buxom beauty in a leather swing suspended by four thick chains alongside the man in the kilt I had seen earlier by the pool.  He had several ropes wrapped around her and restrained in a manner totally foreign to me.  Regardless, she was clearly enjoying it and they talked the entire time they played.  He coyly threatened to leave her and go for a drink all tied up.  They laughed and continued.  Despite no actual sex happening, seeing all these sights and sounds were getting us riled up.  I decided to peel my lover’s towel off and have it fall to the wayside and parted her legs for anyone in the room to see.  I began to stroke her clit and inner thigh as she watched the others play.  After a moment, I brought my fingers to my mouth and tasted her warm juices.  The smell of her sex was an aphrodisiac.  They were oblivious to us with the exception of the rope-bound woman looking at us from time to time as I stroked my lover’s clit; she continued to drip her warmth onto my pointer finger and the smell was even more intoxicating.

After several minutes, our attention drifted and we decided to get dressed and headed to the locker room.  My girlfriend and I love donning sexy lecherous attire we would not be able to wear elsewhere.  (Despite being in my late 30s and my partner in her mid 40s, we do our best to exercise regularly and eat right.  Primarily, we’d argue it’s for the long term health benefits of living a clean lifestyle, but I know we are also motivated to remain physically appealing to each other with our best efforts.  Despite all the moralizing in school about beauty being “skin deep”, we are honest enough with each other to acknowledge that physical and sexual attraction carry as much weight as emotional, intellectual and social compatibility between partners.  Looking good for one another goes a long way to keeping our sex life healthy). 

Once in the locker room, we put on our outfits for the evening.  She requested I go topless with a simple pair of tight jeans and a thick black leather belt.  She put on her new grey corset, along with garters and black nylon stockings she had taken off earlier.  Standing in front of the mirror in the changeroom, she re-applied her makeup.  The woman is a fiend for cosmetics and knows how to wield a brush; as my birthday request, I asked her to layer it thick and vampish to which she complied.  She knocked it out of the ballpark!  I could not imagine being with a sexier woman.  In my eyes, my partner was hands down the sexiest girl in the club that night.  To finish the look, I fastened a black studded dog collar around her petite neck and affixed a leash to it.  Taking out a bright red marker, I scrawled in bold letters above her breasts “PET” and she put on my chest “MASTER”.  There was no mistaking we came as a pair!  I could tell just doing this was getting her wet (it was in a sense foreplay).  Lastly, I slung a small  sports bag onto my shoulders filled with sex toys we might need for later. I led her carefully down the stairs and we returned to the bar to start the second part of the night.

Having never done anything like this, we were self-conscious at first entering the bar.  Everyone here was attired in normal clothing or white towels around their waists.  Did we make a mistake? Are we freaks (short answer; yes)? Should we change back? Quieting these thoughts, we ordered from the bartender another Corona and water.

There were two couples drinking and chatting by the long side of the bar and a younger fellow with two pretty ladies sitting on the padded bench adjacent to the DJ booth.  A few others were milling about the entrance just past the pay station.  I led my pet to the far end of the room close to the speakers where no one was sitting. Putting down my pack and looking around, I immediately caught sight of several patrons smiling slyly in our direction.  It would be a lie to say this wasn’t arousing.  My pet had a twinkle in her eye.  (In retrospect, if I had been truly brave, I should have taken our display up a notch and poured Corona in a silver dog dish I carried and had her lap it up in the middle of the empty dance floor or by the foot of the bar for everyone to see.  Regretfully, I did not do this.  I mentioned this to her later in the evening and she stated the thought of doing that aroused her to no end and she wouldn’t have hesitated to show off in clear view of everyone.  The thought of her on public display in such a submissive position gets my blood pumping.)

The two ladies sitting with their male companion on the padded couch also stared intensely at us .  It was exhilarating to be the focus of these gazes.  Halfway through my pet’s drink, several scantily clad patrons began to dance around the stripper pole anchored in front of the DJ booth.  We nicknamed one lady in full mesh body stocking gyrating effortlessly to the music the “stripper”.  We wondered if she had formal training as her movements were hypnotic.  She was soon joined by a muscular older gentleman in his late 40s wrapped in a towel.  We didn’t know if they were partners but he moved along to the music as she swayed against the pole.  Soon another middle aged couple joined them (she looked to be in her mid 50s while her partner looked slightly older).  He was fully clothed and danced awkwardly.  This second middle aged woman was strikingly pretty; her hair was up in a disheveled bun giving her a “horny wanton librarian” look, thick luxurious thighs wrapped up in garters and stocking, along with  a tight corset around her midriff that caused her sizeable bosom to overflow like large fleshy cantaloupes.  It was certainly eye-catching attire.

The younger couple taking up space on the bench decided to leave so my pet and I took their place.  Surprisingly, the muscular man clad in a towel also disappeared.  It was only the stripper, and the older couple now undulating in a three-fold flesh sandwich before us.  A lot of eye contact and smiling transpired between their group and us.  Still feeling nervous and apprehensive, however, my partner and I decided to leave the small dance area and do another walkabout of the club.  We re-visited the dungeon; two couples were having sex.  One woman was strapped down to the horse as her partner thrusted eagerly from behind her causing her to moan in a loud guttural manner.  The second pair was lying on the leather couch in a missionary position, her legs split high into the air as he took her.  We stood and stared silently for a few minutes before climbing to the third floor.

A brief description of this upper play area of the Oasis mansion needs painting.  Like the first level, there is a bar area, seating and a small stage with a stripper pole nestled in the northeastern corner of the floor.  Most interestingly, though, much of this area consisted of several group play areas with side by side double beds and individual theme rooms.  Earlier in the day,  Dave explained to us their respective themes; one was a “porn room” that had a large screen playing porn at all times in front of a long double panel bench; another had the back end of a van mounted on the wall which was dubbed the “shaggin’ wagon”.   You can literally fuck in the back of a vehicle on the third floor of Oasis.  It was eye catching and novel in execution if a bit uncomfortable (we tried!).  Yet another playspace was dubbed the “red voyeur room” as a couple could climb onto an elevated large bed surrounded by three walls flush against the rubber mattress (all the beds were rubberized for easy cleaning).  Participants in this room could draw drapes in front of the entryway leading to the bed to signal to others the space was occupied.  However, on the walls surrounding the bed were tiny one way peeping holes that patrons in the adjacent rooms could look to catch the action transpiring within.  It was the ultimate exhibitionist space. (In years following when my partner and I would return to Oasis, this red room became our favourite fuck room whether by ourselves or with others.  The thought of people watching us unawares as we fornicated was a huge turn on.  More than this, however, my partner developed an insatiable thirst to peek in on me as I had fun with other females – as if she were removed from the situation entirely.  She explained that seeing me have fun without concern for her attention or needs makes her incredibly wet.  I don’t fully understand it but I’m grateful this is a genuine kink she has).

In researching Oasis Aqualounge as our initial foray into swinging, I remember their YouTube promo proclaiming the third floor is “where the magic happens”. They weren’t kidding.  At this point in the night, every theme room had multiple couples, each contorted into various positions of sex.  The sound and smell of sex emanated from each room.  It was both incredibly titillating and overwhelming to the senses at the same. Leading my pet by her leash, we quietly passed by and peaked into all the rooms.  We then went to the bar briefly and found some people we had encountered earlier in the night lounging and chatting.  One girl was laughing as she tried her best to dance on the stripper pole, limbs flailing about everywhere.  They said hi to us and we sheepishly said hi and moved on. (Looking back, what a contrast to how we would behave today! Given a chance to relive this moment, we would have definitely struck up a friendly conversation and maybe even suggested more!)

After some time, we found ourselves in the area at the top of the stairs; this served as a central hub to the play areas of the upper floor.  Standing a few feet outside the red voyeur room, we chanced upon the trio we initially met on the dance floor.  They were talking amongst themselves while giving the two of us furtive smiles as we stood to the side.  Before long, the woman with the voluptuous bosom had freed her breasts from her corset and the stripper was sucking on them intensely.  Unbound from her restraints, she leaned back on her lover and moaned loudly.  My partner and I were transfixed.  Noticing that we were intently watching them, they slowly approached us, exchanged greetings and asked if we did this often.  My partner is shy around new people and was ESPECIALLY shy here considering this was our first time at Oasis.  Despite the fact she had fantasized about events like this in the past, she never thought it would come true (she never knew places like Oasis existed!).  As a result, I fielded most of the questions coming our way.  I explained this was our first time visiting, and although we had an active and varied sex life, we never thought to do anything sexual in “public”, let alone a sex club.  All three of them complimented my girlfriend and I on our outfits, and how titillating it was that I led her about on a leash.  We still laugh to this day when recalling our answer to their question if we were new to the lifestyle with “Yes, we’re newbies.”  To which they replied “Well, you definitely don’t LOOK like newbies.”

It was a relaxed, easy going conversation where one thing led to another.  Strangely, from this point forward, my girlfriend states much of the night was an erotic haze.  I too felt intoxicated from all the sex in the air, with many finer details lost to me.  Somehow, the busty woman had pushed herself up against my partner and her husband stood behind my girlfriend and was coaxing my partner’s head closer to his wife’s breasts.  Before I knew it, my girlfriend was suckling on these huge mounds of flesh.  My groin was on fire from excitement while my jaw was on the floor.  I looked on in amazement and muttered to my girlfriend, “Are you ok with this?”  She responded with a moan and nodded.  Always trying to play it safe, I wanted confirmation that she didn’t feel pressured.  Knowing she was ok and enjoying herself, I asked the woman if she minded me sucking her breasts too.  She raised her arms slowly, her husband supporting the weight of her right breast in his hand, then looking me right in the eye she replied “Of course, not.”  I eagerly started sucking on massive pert nipples, rubbing my moist lips all over her dark areolas, nibbling gently but firmly, occasionally flicking them with the tip of my tongue.  She continued to moan loudly.  To this day, I have the image burned into my brain of looking over to my side and seeing my girlfriend sucking these mouth-watering breasts alongside me! It was heaven. I felt like I was living in an honest-to-God true-to-life porno; the kind of material people send to Penthouse Letters every month and avid readers would question ‘Did this actually happen?’ YES SUCH EVENTS CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN! Having finally dipped our toes into the lifestyle, we were the living proof that such wild sexual fantasies INDEED do come true.

The red voyeur room right behind us, we edged towards the elevated bed.  Before going further, I thought to explain what our boundaries were so that there were no mixed messages (a key lesson I learned in prior research leading up to tonight).  I told the couple that we were purely “soft swap”; we were fine with caressing, licking and kissing but that we did not want any penetration.  They both nodded.  In an assuring voice the husband added “Of course, we won’t do anything that you don’t want to do and we’ll tell you if you do anything that we may not want to do.”  Having made this pact, they got onto the elevated red mattress ahead of us with my girlfriend standing just outside.  They were at the perfect level to peel away the bindings on both sides of her corset and each began to suck her now very erect nipples.  My partner’s eyes rolled upwards and she moaned with delight.  I looked around and there was a couple several feet away looking at all four of us.  For my part, I kneeled behind my girlfriend, pushed her panties to the side and began to rim her puckered asshole.  This made her squirm and moan even louder, having three different mouths work her body.  After a minute, we climbed into the red room and I took off my jeans.  What next happened seemed to do so in a fog of sex and I can only recount bits and pieces of it.  My pet recalled one of the hottest images she saw was of me and the other wife kissing and stroking each other as she lay beneath us and the husband fingered her sopping wet pussy and fondled her nipples.  Over the course of several minutes, the gentleman kissed my girlfriend passionately and I licked and fingered his partner and squeezed her breasts tightly.  Excitedly, my pet also explored her burgeoning bi-sexual nature as she got on her knees with the other woman and they began to kiss, fondle and stroke each other.  I lay on my back and slid under his wife to continue feasting on her loins while the other gentleman continued to finger my pet.  Needless to say, there was a lot of moaning, panting, sweating and drooling going on; body parts glistening in the red light of the room glistening with saliva and perspiration.

At one point, as my girlfriend was kissing her husband and I continued to orally pleasure his wife, she asked me to come over and kiss her – the smell of sex all over my face.   She explained she felt slightly disconnected from me and so wanted to re-establish our connection.  Hilariously though, I remember kissing her passionately for a few seconds before my girlfriend firmly pushed me off and in a stern tone declared “Ok, I’m good now.  You can get back to what you were doing.”  During another point in our play, my girlfriend asked the big-breasted lady if she would help fulfill a fantasy I’ve had of two women giving me a blowjob at the same time.  Both approached my hardened cock and while my girl sucked the length of it and tugged at my shaft with her lips, his wife licked my balls.  By the end of it, the entirety of my groin seemed to be dripping in the spit both women generated. I was the purveyor of a fevered sex dream..  

Shockingly, at one point late in the night, the play came to a screeching halt as I was struck with a moment of sheer terror.  Prior to playing, his wife and I laid our glasses near the wall and in looking for it during play, we got them confused and my girlfriend accidentally pushed my glasses down a vent register! She yelped at this and I bolted upright as I cannot see a thing without my prescription lenses.  What a comedy of errors this turned into while in the middle of a hot sex scene!  Thankfully, however, the register was quite shallow and so the glasses could be fished out with no issue.

Mid-way through playing together, all four of us took a breather and just talked.  This was nice as it helped us to connect socially with these strangers.  We asked them how long they had been in “the lifestyle” and if they had any regrets.  He replied “15 years” and that their only regret was they hadn’t started sooner.  I remember telling them that our biggest fear was contracting an STD to which both of them nodded and acknowledged.   They again complimented us on  how we looked after ourselves, and how supportive and loving we seemed when with each other.

“(SIDENOTE:  Looking back on our younger selves, this social aspect of the lifestyle involving conversations beyond sex is still one we value highly with our partners.  In the 12 years we’ve been doing this, the most satisfying sexual connections we’ve made have been ones where friendships naturally blossomed outside the bedroom with other couples.  Thankfully, in all that time we have been able to grow a wide and deep lifestyle community around us.  With regards to STIs, this has always been a concern for us but time has allowed us to see it for what it is.  There is risk in everything and being careful and informed helps to mitigate dangers.  To this end we take all the necessary precautions during play and get tested religiously every three months or if anything appears out of the ordinary). 

After a brief respite we decided to resume playing, however, each couple focusing more on their respective partners.  She began by giving her husband a blowjob while watching the two of us engage in a 69.  What we think finally caused him to climax was watching my girlfriend turn me over, and rim me while staring both of them in the eye.  There is something incredibly naughty about having a woman commit sexual acts with someone while acknowledging they gaze of another; it screams “look at me, look at what I’m doing, I’m not sorry to be doing this.  In fact, I relish it!” I was moaning like a banshee but did not cum.  We changed positions and I took out a large black double-ended dildo (we’ve christened him “black beauty”) and worked my girls’ pussy with it for a few minutes as some couples looked on from outside the red room.    After our play partners had orgasmed, they began to clean up and got ready to depart.  Another pair asked as they were leaving if there was enough space to accommodate a second group in the red room and they said yes.  This too was an older couple and they began to make out beside my partner and I.  However, with our energy taxed we were not feeling it.  We decided to pack up our toys and leave. We needed a change of venue with some time to clear our heads. 




As we passed our play partners in the hall, we said goodbye, shook hands and thanked them for the memorable life-altering experience.  Later on that evening, my partner and I would laugh at how awkward this probably seemed as we had no idea how to say farewell properly given the situation.  I, mean, what is the accepted etiquette of good-byes when dealing with people you just engaged in a lot of enjoyable oral sex with?  It all was so strange; a completely brave new world for us!  Heading to the locker room, we passed by Dave who had come out of a side room naked.  We smiled at each other and he patted me on the back in a congratulatory manner (no doubt probably having peaked at our escapades on the upper floor).  I was grinning from ear to ear. My partner laughed and said she didn’t recognize him without his clothes on.

The rest of the evening consisted of my girlfriend and I moving from room to room looking at others' play and settling in on a side to be intimate solely with each other.  We talked and laughed and shared our favourite moments of the night.  However, (and I hate to admit this) the evening at Oasis ended on a slightly negative note as I had problems getting and maintaining an erection when the two of us were alone.  It’s strange as I do not have problems of this nature when we are at home.  Usually, I can even maintain a semi-erection after coming and continue to thrust long after I’ve orgasmed.  But on this night I couldn’t and it sent me on a small emotional tailspin.  I mean, here I am amidst all this sex and for some reason I couldn’t get it up for my woman when we were alone.  Was something wrong with me?  Being the kind individual that she is, she assured me that nothing was wrong and I may have simply been over-stimulated.   I felt like my manhood was lacking and it’s something I needed to do research on.  One thought led to another and soon I was feeling a bit sad recalling events and hardships from the past year and from my childhood.  Around 2 in the  morning, we decided to call it a night and headed back to the Ramada.  We talked and cuddled some more in our room and she surprised me by breaking out my birthday present; a new sex toy for us to enjoy!  In no time, I had a raging hard on and proceeded to fuck my pets’ brains out and come all over her, which she slurped up greedily and swallowed.  It was a terrific end to a wonderful 38th birthday visit to Oasis.

(NOTE: Looking back on this passage years later, I can definitely say it was both over-stimulation and  fatigue that kicked in during our late hours of play at Oasis.  We had been soaking in hot water, in and out of the frigid cold, socializing and stimulated to a degree we had never experienced.  As we have gotten more comfortable with who we are as a couple and regular play partners over the past dozen years, performance issue problems have lessened considerably! It is a marker of our personal growth to now more easily solve many of the issues we encountered in those early years.  This is NOT to say we never have issues, just that we are better equipped to plan for and tackle them when something problematic arises.)

I arranged for a wake up call at 10:30 am knowing full well we would be unable to move on our own accord.  We left the Ramada at 11 am and went out again for brunch at Cora’s then onto Yorkdale mall for some shopping (I treated myself to a lovely new coat!). Later that Sunday evening we arrived home, heads spinning full of memories and (YOU GUESSED IT!) promptly had more hot ravenous sex.

Oasis lives up to its touted goal of providing “Couple’s Relationship Enhancement”.  Despite all we did and saw (or maybe because of it) at the club, my partner and I felt EVEN MORE in love with each other after this adventure.  We debriefed for a long time about what we liked, what we didn’t like, what we would try and prepare for and research in the future, and what sights, sounds and smells stayed with us. Trusting each other in these vulnerable circumstances with others only makes us stronger in our own relationship.  Without jealousy, resentment or bitterness, we are able to live out fantasies and help each other grow emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and sexually.  Thank God we found a place (and community) like this.

The following weekend, in spite of severe ice storms descending on Toronto, we decided to brave the highways and return to Oasis.  As literally no one was there for the better part of the early afternoon, we were able to use the amenities for as long as we liked and treated it as a Spa Day with some hot sex on the side.  Later in the evening, we played with a younger couple which we thoroughly enjoyed. We’ve decided that come the summer months, we will almost definitely purchase a seasonal pass so we can go whenever we feel like without thinking of the costs.  We’ve decided that for the near future we will definitely continue down this path and see where it leads for us!


January 2025 – It has been an absolute blast travelling down memory lane, dusting off this story from over a decade ago and I hope you enjoyed it.  I know it wasn’t purely sexual from beginning to end with a lot of minutiae that probably did not make sense to an outside observer.  However, for us – it’s in the details that the story comes to life.  This has served as our time capsule of that special day when we took our initial step into this wonderful relationship dynamic and carved a small niche for ourselves in this community.  To many, many more years of romance, hot sex, lifestyle friends and swinging wildly through life!


Mr. and Mrs. Starface

Written by Starfaces1234

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