Two for one? Possible? Was visiting Guilford golf course for a lite lunch- lovely sunny day in shade. Two nice gentlemen sat next table having a beer after 18 rounds of golf. Heard them talking re the game etc- soonconversation was both tables. They ( Ron and Hal) both in their early sixties- very gentlemanly and easy going. Soonj joking etc. I asked- did either of you ever make a hole in one? For some reason- they grinned ( between them- I saw a wink)—- No, but we could if we really tried .. I was kinda puzzled- they both chimed in- we are visiting from Victoria- and enjoy your company.. come visit us in our hotel in Guilford and have a drink with us. They were total gentlemen- so I felt safe and said okay- why not? I’m bored…. In the motel surprisingly they started undressing after we had a drink- I noticed that were both quite hairy chested ( a real turn on). we need to freshen up after 18 holes- join us? Strange request- but after breaking with long term gf— I tried I and liked it. Both were married- away from wives- and horny . Still dripping,they led me to the queen size bed- both with long thin cocks- ,balls that looked huge and over filled. I commented- yes,we ve been away from our wives. Each on either side in bed- slid a pillow under me soon hugged and kissed me— for me? first time ever to be kissed. Made me hot soon Ron was on top (about 7”-and thin) was soon all the way in- balls against me - pounding as I moaned— sooo hot my inside muscles grasped his cock and squeeezed—- then the ecstasy as a huge bast of cream flooded my inside—he pulled out- leaving me feeling empty as he panted to catch his breath— but in just an instant Hal wow- about 8”- long and thin replaced him) stretching me- going deeep- where no man had gone before— felt like he was rubbing the inside of my navel with his enlarged cock head—;I was in ecstasy,moaning as he repeatedly was deep then almost out— at last- a huge moan as he flooded me- we both moaned wow,when he withdrew gasping for air- I could feel a gush of warm seed oozing out onto my ass and balls. Lying between them- I felt like a sluttish queen as they occasionally kissed me.. wow, I was - queen for a day as they both chimed. We did— we both made a hole inone!