I remember the first time.....
Hanging out with my husband, he in the kitchen, she and I on the couch watching a movie, her red hair falling across my lap. Unthinking, I toy with it, long silken strands caught in my fingers. I hear a purr of contentment from my friend and realise that this is kind of hot. Her hands slide up my shirt and find my hippies. ..mmmmm....
I think we'd worked our way to sitting when he came in from the other room to find us, her mouth on mine, knowingly while mine was tentative. There is something so different about having a woman than a man. A subtle sweetness, that while not my everyday is a lovely escape.
I found myself exploring her with my hands, but unwilling to let go of her mouth. So pretty, her body as soft as my own, shy like I was, burying my face in her breasts. He came up behind me and began to stroke my skin, then her skin, then there were more kisses...
We moved somehow to the bed, it's a pleasant blur, learning to touch her and taste her, feeling her hips rock below my tongue, begging for release as his cock filled me. Giving her over to him at some point, watching him make her gush all over him, the tangled satiated mess we were after, marvelling at the boldness of what we'd done.