DISCLAIMER: First, huge thanks to my amazing wife and partner-in-crime, Sindee, without whom this life would be dull and empty. It was a wonderful gift you granted me at VIN. You are my EVERYTHING. Second, much gratitude to Michelle not only for an awesome time that evening at VIN and being central to this work, but also looking it over and helping with my edits. Keep being your amazing self!
What follows is a true story. More or less.
It was our first time going to Valentines in Niagara.
VIN for the uninitiated is one of the largest annual swingers conventions in Canada taking place (as you may have guessed) in Niagara Falls. It’s a hotel takeover that lasts a little over two days running from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning the week prior to Valentine's Day. Starting at 3 PM Friday, the first floor windows are covered in opaque paper and the building becomes a clothing optional wonderland; taking on a very resort-like carnival atmosphere. The centerpiece of the building is a medium sized pool and hot tubs surrounded by trees, gazebos, lounges and eating areas. Convention goers are encouraged to decorate their rooms and set up interactive booths and games with all sorts of giveaways during their stay. Needless to say, attendants fully deliver (there is a sizeable contest prize for ‘best decorated room’) and spare no expense in trying to outdo each other with naughtiest most eye catching displays; this year one room hosted a podcast and offered rides on their Sybian sex machine, another had a full display of 3D printed erotic figurines in pornographic dioramas, while still another had a mini-game show where winners got massages as a reward. Seemingly every room dispensed candy and shots of liquor. VIN itself is jam packed with events by the organizers; seminars, shows, dances, buffet dinners, comedy acts, and contests fill the schedule. Vendors line the main floor offering wares and large rooms in the building are designated “playrooms” or “dungeons” with king-sized beds and assorted sex furniture strewn about; bowls of free condoms and bottled water are thrown into the mix for good measure.
I recounted in a previous story how my wife and I got into the swinger lifestyle (LS for short) over twelve years ago and what a wonderful journey of growth it’s been; the things we’ve seen and done, and the amazing circle of friends we’ve built are irreplaceable. In spite of this, however, we’ve never been to VIN. It wasn’t for lack of trying on the part of our friends who raved about the convention year after year. We would have gone sooner except for one caveat; we are notoriously cheap (ok, maybe cheap is too harsh - let’s say “economical”). See, VIN is exorbitantly priced. Cost of admission for the weekend is all told $1100 Canadian. As lifestylers on a budget, we prioritized trips to Hedonism II as our annual extravagance. This year, however, with recurring car troubles, we knew we wouldn’t be going to Hedo as we had to funnel our savings towards a used vehicle. As a compromise, we opted for a smaller LS getaway and VIN fit the bill. To sweeten the deal, many of our long standing swinging friends who hadn’t yet attended decided this was the year to make the (group) plunge. As a result, six couples from our network descended on Niagara Falls for the convention.
I won’t go into all the details of the weekend but needless to say we had an amazing time both in and out of the bedroom with friends old and new. This story, however, focuses on a particular pair of newlyweds we met at the start of 2024.
Enter into picture Leo and Michelle, a young, hip professional Asian couple in their early 30s. Having played together at a friends’ house party on New Year’s Eve, we found we got along well socially and sexually and kept in touch over the year despite our crazy schedules. They have their own cohort of similarly aged swinger friends, but enough overlap in interests exist that we also invite them to outings with our older peer group. Leo and Michelle tied the knot recently and were gracious enough to invite us to a reception they hosted last summer after a destination wedding in Mexico.
This is all to say we are great friends both in and out of the bedroom. On any given day, Michelle and I exchange a dozen or so memes over Instagram ranging in topics from inane work culture, foodie blogs, lifestyle/sex jokes and, most interestingly, our shared Filipino heritage. This last factor stands out to me most as I can count on one hand the number of Filipinos I’ve met in my dozen years of swinging. For the better part of a decade I thought I was the only one - a unicorn of sorts! Maybe I exist in a strange demographic bubble in Southern Ontario, but in my experience swinging does not figure at all into the lives of my countrymen. Meeting Michelle was eye opening as I could discuss shared cultural idiosyncrasies about being Filipino in Canada and entering the lifestyle; how our rigid Catholic upbringing shaped expectations of marriage then broke free of this conditioning when we discovered we’d rather be non-monogamous. I love my wife more than life itself and talk to her about everything, but something just clicks differently when I share cultural experiences growing up in Canada with a fellow Filipino; this is the niche Michelle fills.
But I digress - back to Valentine’s in Niagara. Overwhelmingly, Sindee and I participate in lifestyle events as a couple. On occasions we partake in a house party, if we feel comfortable with people there, we can opt to play separately for part of the night then return to each other after we’ve had our fill of solo adventuring. In recent years, however, Sindee has become more accepting of a deep seated kink she’s nurtured for a long time but shied away from (probably fearing it marks her as a deviant wife – well, more deviant than she already is!); that of hot-husbanding / cuckqueaning. In these fantasies, she finds herself separated from me and learns I have taken it upon myself to embark on a sexual escapade. Sometimes the fantasy ends with her “stumbling” on my dalliances and watches from the shadows as I have my way with her rival. Other times, the fantasy involves me sending her videos of my “unfaithfulness”. This turns her on to such a degree that, phone in hand, she starts touching herself and, on my return, ravages me as I walk through the door with her pent up sexual frustration needing to reclaim me. We have talked these fantasies out endlessly during our own passionate love making. I describe my infidelity as I fuck her on our marital bed and this often brings her to a shuddering climax.
Only once did we act out this fantasy – it happened during our initial trip to Hedonism II in 2023 (a story for another time). Little did I know, history would repeat itself in Niagara.
Not wanting to join the strobe-and-bass flooded dance floor, after the first full day of events on Friday Sindee and I found ourselves lounging lazily in the hotel pool. We thoroughly enjoyed taking in the sights and sounds of the convention, meeting new people and participating in hot play with established friends. However, we were pretty wiped and the cool water was rejuvenating as we recounted everything we had done and hoped to do this weekend. Deep into our conversation, Michelle and Leo along with two of their friends, Jack and Linda, joined us in the pool.
Pleasantries were exchanged and light banter ensued. I don’t remember the exact order of events but after some time Sindee left the pool to see what our other friends were up to, Linda likewise excused herself to explore the convention while Leo and Jack talked quietly amongst themselves about work, life and an upcoming UFC fight on which Leo staked a large bet. This left Michelle and I to our own devices in a quiet stretch of the pool. I was fully acclimatized to standing in the cool water but Michelle refused to submerge herself, opting instead to roll up her jeans and dangle her calves.
Michelle’s a naturally introverted person, demure to a fault, and soft spoken. To hear her more clearly over the residual din of the music, I moved close to her petite frame, slipping my torso between her legs. She smiled - a perfect row of white teeth flashed between red glossy lips, full and soft. My arms snaked around her waist and she rested hers on my shoulders.
“Hey…” she said softly. “How has day one treated you?”
“Good.” I half sighed with fatigue. “It’s been crazy trying to see everything but I love that our entire crew is here. I didn’t know what to expect but so far… It's been wild. Feels like Halloween honestly, going from room to room seeing what treats are available.”
“Tell me about it… one of the couples here is visiting from the US! They had Milky Way bars! I haven’t had those in years! It was a premium experience.”
I laughed, “That alone was probably worth the 900 bucks you paid to get in.”
“Well, I didn’t just come for candy and liquor.”
I lifted an eyebrow. “Oh? What else did you come for then, Ms. Michelle?”
“A bit of this. A bit of that.” Staring at me, “Maybe a bit of play with you?”
“Play huh?” My grin widened. “Like a rubix cube kinda play?!?”
She laughed out loud. “Rubix cube?!? Have you been practicing? If you bought yours, we definitely need to have a contest.”
(Speed cubing is something Michelle got me interested in over Christmas break. She’s competitive at it and solves them in about a minute or two - faster she claims when she’s had practice - and I was blown away by this feat. Thus, in true sporting fashion, I figured I would learn too. It’s been an esoteric conversation point for us over the last two months.)
“For sure! But… was that the only kind of play you had in mind?”
She stared intently for a moment, her smile disappearing. “No. You know what kind of play I want from you.” Her voice purred.
“Mmmm.” Strong hints of flowers and spice wafted at me as I moved my face closer to hers. “I think I know what kind of play you’re talking about.” Taking a deep breath, I added, “You smell intoxicating. What is that?”
“You like it? It’s Valentino Born. A fave of mine.”
(If there’s one thing Michelle excelled at it was make-up and aesthetics. I followed her and Leo on Instagram soon after Sindee and I became their friends. In addition to speed cubing her other hobby was make-up tutorials on social media. At any lifestyle event I’ve ever seen her, Michelle’s hair, cosmetics, nails, clothing – all of it is impeccable. And she had striking features to boot! The closest Hollywood approximation to her looks would be the Vietnamese actress Lana Condor from Netflix’s “To All the Boys” comes closest.)
I commented “Yeah, I love it. Sweet in all the right ways, like a certain someone.” Her lips glistened with moisture, the rouge catching light refracting off the water. ”Can I ask you something?” I whispered.
“Of course.”
“Can I kiss you?” Our lips were a hair-width from each other by this point; I could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks.
An exasperated smirk emerged. “Why do you always ask that question? Considering everything we’ve done?”
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Firmly planting mine on hers and pulling her hips closer, pressing her inner thighs against me, I could feel the sticky sweetness of her lipstick. I opened my mouth, and slid my tongue to meet hers. She inhaled deeply and I could feel her drinking me in. I prodded more firmly, sliding my tongue over hers, pushing as far as I could. Michelle moaned. Taking my hand from her hip and resting it on the nape of her neck, I nudged gently so her face pressed harder against mine; I met no resistance.
After a moment, our faces parted with Michelle stumbling over her words: “Wow. That was… wow.” Wiping my chin with her thumb, she apologetically observed “I made a mess of you with my lipstick.”
“Ok well in return, I’d love to make a mess of you … in other ways.”
“I’d be down for that.” she muttered into my ear.
“How about right here, right now. Take your pants off. I’ll devour you on the edge of this pool.”
Her face contorted in bewilderment “Here? No… I can't. I'd be too self conscious.”
Half chuckling, I replied, “At a swinger’s convention? Look around you…” Sure enough several couples were on the loungers by the edge of the pool getting amorous.
“Well… I also have to add one more thing. I’m on my period right now.” She sheepishly mouthed “Sorry.”
“Ohhhhh… ok. No need to be sorry. But just know… I’m not bothered by it in any way.”
“You’re not? Well I’m still good with everything just not having you go down on me while it’s happening. I get self-conscious about that too.”
“Not a problem at all. I’m good with whatever.” I assured her.
Our flirting stuttering with this news, we fell back on more casual topics; work dramas endured in the past week, hectic family life, and the build up to VIN. One big thing I appreciate about Michelle is how our chats go; whether talking sex or hobbies or events on social media, our exchanges are light, sincere and stress free. There’s no sarcasm, malice or pointed barbs thrown around; conversations are easy, like Sunday morning.
I paused and looked at her inquisitively. “What is it? Why are you looking at me funny? Do I have something on my face?" a slight panic in her voice.
Time to play my cards. “Michelle… I genuinely think of you as a friend. If sex were to stop tomorrow, I would still chat with you on the regular and send shitty memes to disrupt your day.”
“Damn, you're getting all serious on me now.” Michelle gave a half nervous smile. “What IS up?”
“Would it be fair to say you and I have good chemistry?”
“Of course we do! If we didn’t, I wouldn’t keep repeating, silly. Leo and I love getting together with you and Sindee. We share all sorts of funny stories and the play is hot as hell.”
“Well, I’ve been curious. The last time we played in separate rooms, Sindee went with Leo to our guest room, you and I in our master bedroom and things got really heated. You come across as shy and introverted, but there’s a beast lurking in there.”
Michelle laughed heartily. “A beast? Isn’t that a bit over-dramatic?” Flashbacks to Michelle thrashing like a rabid wild cat on our bed as I wrestled with her blinked in my mind. Despite her protestations, I know what I saw; this introverted young woman transformed into a primal thing; raw, hungry, wanton … and wanting… to be controlled? To be hurt? To be broken in? I count myself lucky to have left with a minor scar on my shoulder blade from that encounter.
“No, not over-dramatic at all. I guess all I’m saying is I wasn’t expecting you to be so… fierce. You were asking me to choke you, pull your hair, spank you, smack you with the flogger while I was thrusting away. Super fucking hot by the way! Plus, there was all that dirty talk that leaned hard into domination and submission.”
She began to respond, paused and looked amused. “You genuinely give off a good vibe. I trust you.” The words hung in the air for a moment. “That’s why I felt I could ask for those things. The sex is just… more intense with you if that makes sense? And you’re good with the dirty talk.”
“Well, it is an avenue to be creative, like what my writing affords me.” I stopped for a few seconds then asked “Are there any other …uh… fantasies you’d like to try with me? I’m literally down for anything - short of you taking a dump on my chest or anything involving poop.”
Michelle snorted. “No, I'm definitely not into that.” Gazing at me, her deep brown eyes pierced mine, seeming to gauge the moment and weigh her options. She slowly uttered three letters:
My mouth betrayed me and my jaw dropped just a touch.
“Do you know what it means?”
“Ha! Yes I know what it means. I just wasn’t expecting it.” This was the truth. Michelle’s request genuinely took me aback.
(CNC stands for consensual-non-consent. Urban Dictionary defines it as sexual roleplay with “an extreme power exchange where, according to previous negotiation, there is a victim overcome by a predator by force. People who enjoy this play often enjoy either the extreme lack of control or extreme control on either side of the exchange.”)
I had some experience in this kind of exchange as I have a dom/sub dynamic with Sindee and we dabble in more “extreme” varieties of role play from time to time. But doing it with someone outside my marriage in the swing community? It seemed out of place. As much as I love swinging, I’ve often found a lot of the sex in it to be pretty “vanilla”. Sure, you have multiple partners of different flavours, but other than light bondage or flogging, in my personal experience the worlds of kink and swinging did not overlap often. To play in this way with another LS partner seemed out of the ordinary.
“Well…” I began “If you’re serious about this CNC play…”
Michelle cut me off. “I am.”
“If you’re serious then we have to lay down ground rules. You are a friend first and foremost. I would never want to hurt you unintentionally or traumatize you.”
“See, I knew you would give this kind of talk and that’s why I trust you.”
I chuckled. For the next 20 minutes we talked about the concept of safe words. Simple terms she can use during role play like “green” which means ‘do more of this’, “yellow” which translates to ‘slow down or decrease what you’re doing’ and the all powerful “RED” - an emergency full stop of play because something is not right. We also discussed what kind of scenes, dirty dialogue and scenarios she thought arousing.
During this exchange, our faces kept “accidentally” falling into each other, resulting in prolonged make out sessions; soon Michelle’s lipstick was completely gone and my mouth looked like it partook in a rouge bloodbath. Fully distracted I failed to notice it had been over an hour since Sindee left. I stepped out of the pool and lo and behold my amazing wife strode through the wrought iron fence bordering the swim area. Calling out, she said she missed me and wanted to spend some time together closing out our first night at VIN. Never one to disappoint Sindee, I bid Michelle farewell and said we’d hopefully dabble in her fantasies at some point in the not-too-distant future should the stars (and convention schedule) allow it.
By the final night of Valentine’s in Niagara, Sindee and I had thoroughly burnt the candle at both ends. We were partying with friends, drinking and eating to excess, fucking each other and strangers as if lives depended on it. At the end of our last play session, feeling jubilant, we went to the dance floor and sloshed about with a hundred jam-packed bodies, sweating and sweltering in its own undulating heat. By this point, I had stripped down to a pair of white linen pants and nothing else. It was, to the n-th degree, absolutely hedonistic and we loved every second of it. Wanting to cool off after half an hour of this, we decided to walk around the convention grounds, laughing and reliving some of the hottest moments of the last two days. Sitting on a bench to recuperate, we were joined by several friends to catch up, chat and share drinks. Life was immeasurably good.
Mid-way through a conversation dangerously starting to mire itself in heated current events, from the corner of my eye I saw Michelle emerge at the south exit walking with Jack near some vendors. I must have been obvious in the prolonged attention I gave them as Sindee pulled me close to her so the rest of our friends couldn’t hear. She whispered: “I know what you want.”
I cocked an eyebrow.
My wife gave a devious smile, “You want to play with Michelle.” I stared at her blankly like a deer caught in headlights. I was smart enough to stay neutral in my silence and not to outwardly deny it. She continued, “Go… with my full blessings.”
I was completely taken aback, “What? Are you serious? You’re good with me playing without you? Here?”
A hearty laugh burst forth. “Yesss! You get a special hall pass for VIN. I’m totally ok with it. Besides, I’m also doing this for myself… so it serves a selfish purpose too.” My wife kissed me hard on the lips. “I get off knowing my hot man is out fucking sexy women without me. I’m still aroused by memories of Kiara at Hedo.”
“A hall pass?” I couldn’t believe my good fortune being married to this vixen. “Thank you, love!” After giving Sindee a sloppy protracted French kiss, I said hurried farewells to our friends (secretly happy as well to exit the conversation) and went in the direction I last saw Michelle and Jack.
Catching up on the edge of the dance floor, I waved. Both seemed surprised to see me. “Hey Jack! Hey gorgeous!” I greeted Michelle with a peck on the cheek. She was wearing a black lace body stocking with the thinnest of g-strings, a matching bra with gold accents, dark coloured stilettos and midnight thigh high nylons; of course, her long silky jet black hair and makeup were perfect. “What are you two up to?”
Turns out they were looking to find a hot young pole dancing instructor who taught a workshop that afternoon we all attended. Jack was hot to trot for her and well, who knows? It never hurts to shoot your shot (in this community, sometimes literally). To this end, he dove into the throng of bodies gyrating to the music to continue his hunt, while Michelle and I retreated to a quiet corner several paces away.
“What are you up to?” she asked.
“Honestly, I just saw you from the corner of my eye a few minutes ago. Sindee and I were sitting over by the pool benches with the others and I figured… well… you know…” I shrugged awkwardly.
Playing coy, she grabbed my arm. “No, actually, I don’t know.” I fidgeted.
That intoxicating Valentino Born hit my senses again and I was immediately getting drunk on it. No better time than now to shoot my shot. “Would you like to play with me?” I blurted with a hint of trepidation.
“I thought you’d never ask. And yesss…” Michelle hissed. “ I’ve been dying to have your body on mine.”
I’ve seen this look before in her eyes; a beast was awaking behind the bespectacled face, sensing the warm blood of a willing participant - it was eager to revel in lustful debauchery. I immediately felt flushed.
Abruptly, she interjected, “But first we should tell Leo what’s going down.” Snapped out of my musings, I agreed. Rule one of good swinging is to respect your partner’s boundaries and keep them aware of your intentions (especially when playing solo). “Is Sindee good with this?”
I nodded, “Absolutely.”
Following Michelle we went to the lounge adjacent to the hotel lobby. It had been converted to a karaoke bar for the purpose of the convention. Leo was sitting to one side away from rollicking (and off tune) inebriated singers, focused intently on the UFC main event streaming on his phone. I informed Michelle I would hit the washroom briefly as she conversed with her husband. Taking their leave, I headed to the men’s room across the front check-in counter to do my business, wash my hands and freshen up as best I could. Despite feeling fatigued earlier, the break with our friends and the surprise gift of the “hall pass” put a new pep in my step. Exiting the lavatory, I found Michelle waiting in the hallway. “All good?” I asked.
“Yep, we're in the clear!” she grinned then added “Let’s see if the dungeon is busy or if the fourth floor playroom is open.” I agreed. Waiting patiently for the elevator, Michelle’s challenge from the previous night about regularly telegraphing my intentions to kiss echoed in my head: “Why do you always ask that question?” Indeed, why?
I walked lock step behind her as we entered the empty lift, observing her svelte figure lilt in seducing fashion from side to side, her shapely ass and legs hugged tight by her outfit . As the metal doors shut, she turned and my face was immediately front and center, locking lips with hers. Grabbing her by the waist, I pushed her firmly against the stainless steel rail lining the wall, the weight of my body pinning her. Michelle’s initial reaction was to give a startled grunt, but half a second later I could feel her body lose tension and her arms wrap around my torso, inviting me in. I pressed her harder against the wall and dove into the recesses of her mouth. I could taste sweet mint. We stayed locked like this for the twenty second ride to the fourth floor, lips and tongues dueling; moans emanating from both of us.
The lift doors opened and we immediately let go of each other laughing like kids caught plucking treats from a jar. Heading down the hallway, we entered a dark conference room where multiple padded crosses had been erected, each occupied by a woman tied to its wooden beams while an attending partner gently (or not so gently in one case) flogged them. The staccato of rhythmic thwacks reverberated beyond the room. Assorted sex furniture consisting of pommel horses and oddly shaped leather couches dotted the play area as well and on each was a couple engaging some form of light BDSM. Around the periphery were pairs of onlookers chatting or commenting on the scenes before them. It was too congested here for us to do anything and we immediately headed back to the lift to try our luck on the 4th floor. Strike one.
Once again the elevator doors opened. This time, however, a pair of twenty-somethings dressed in neon gear appeared before us(this attire was to be expected as VIN’s theme on the closing night was “glow party”). Standing quietly by Michelle as the doors closed, I made a quick step towards her as if intending to repeat our earlier escapade. She visibly flinched and I playfully mouthed “Psyche!”. My actions were met with a rolling of the eyes, indicating she should have known better. Upon exiting we headed to yet another large conference room, this one with several king-sized beds. Just as before, unfortunately, every surface here was covered with multiple bodies contorted in a variety of positions. To make matters worse, standing by each bed seemed to be several lovers waiting for the space to be vacated. Clearly, this was a popular spot tonight and we would find no ability to play here. Strike two.
Heading back yet again to the elevator, Michelle furrowed her brow. She snapped, “I know! We can try the red room.”
I was lost. “The what?”
“The red room. It’s another playroom Leo and I discovered yesterday near the back of the building.”
This was news to me. Every convention pamphlet I had seen only spoke of the play areas on the third and fourth floor. True to her word, Michelle confidently strode through the ground floor, arriving at a pair of large metal doors in the north east corner of the hotel. It looked like a loading bay entrance and, to be frank, I was puzzled as this did not seem like an area meant for the general public. Pushing them apart, I followed her through serpentine tunnels past what I thought were gym showers and a laundry facility. Where was my demure, sexy lifestyle friend taking me?
After another minute of walking, my intrepid guide ducked abruptly into what I thought was yet another side tunnel. But VOILA! Lo and behold we entered a sizable chamber (probably used for general storage when not doubling as a swinger’s playroom), completely devoid of people. It had three neatly made queen beds lining one side and a table near the entrance set up with cases of water, cleaning wipes, a bowl of condoms and stacks of fresh towels. A large rectangular mirror was mounted adjacent to the beds. And true to its name, a deep red light bathed the room, casting long crimson shadows.
We were alone at last with freedom to play.
The Red Room
Michelle led me by the hand to the foot of the bed closest to the mirror. She looked into my eyes and paused in silence, her prominent Asian features silhouetted in the vermillion haze of the room, her long jet black hair falling over her shoulders onto the front of her lace body stocking. I moved closer, pressing her breasts against my bare chest.
“You know… your husband’s not here.”
“I know.” Her face tilted slightly, attempting to appraise the angle I was taking.
“We’re so far from the main area, he couldn’t hear you even if you screamed for him.”
A sigh escaped her lips. She knew the angle. “I know.”
I firmly gripped her chin with my fingers. Pause. I need to drive this next point home.
“Michelle, do you remember your safe words?”
“Yes, I do. Green, yellow, red.”
“Good girl.” Again a pause. Again to drive the next point home’ “Michelle, I respect you as a friend, as a person, as a play partner. This is play. And you are safe. Ultimately, you are always safe with me and you are in control. Do you understand?”
“Yesss...” The word was a hiss from her lips. I was coaxing the beast out to play, making sure it understood the rules of the game so it could fully bask in the rawness of the shared illusion we would now partake in.
My hands made their way to Michelle’s petite waist, running over the lace on her hips. Reaching lower, I cupped firm her round buttocks, fingers digging deep into flesh causing her intentional discomfort. Forcefully, without hesitation, I planted my lips on hers. I pried her mouth open and slid my tongue deep. Inhalation of that damned perfume furthered my intoxication, my desire for power over her, my need to punish and control her. Michelle gave a low guttural moan from deep in her throat.
I pulled away. “I want you. All of you.”
Michelle answered, “You can have all of me.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
She bit her bottom lip.
Grabbing her wrist firmly, I twirled her around, eyeing every delicious inch of her body. I let go and her arm fell to her wayside.
“Whatever you do, do not break eye contact with me.” She gave a curt nod. I could sense the hesitance in her eyes. What had she asked for? Begged for? This. This lack of control was what she said she craved, hungered for even.
“Slowly take off your body stocking.” Reaching behind her neck, I could hear her undo a clasp followed by unzipping. Without averting her gaze, she methodically peeled off the sleeves then pushed the lace bodice to her waist, past her thighs and let it fall to her feet, kicking it off to the side of the bed.
“Excellent.” I complimented her. “Now take your bra and panties off. You definitely will not be needing them.”
Instinctively, she bent her head down and to the side as she reached to undo the bra.
“Stop.” I coldly barked through gritted teeth. She froze immediately. “What was my initial request?”
She looked me right in the eyes. “Not to break eye contact with you.”
“Exactly. Continue.” She resumed removing her lingerie, this time following my request. Throwing the bra onto the bed, she slipped her finger into the side of her g-string and slid them off, squatting low but continuing to look me in the eyes as she did so. She then began work on her thigh high stockings.
“No. Leave those on.” I insisted. She paused, straightened herself, all the while adhering to my wishes of maintaining eye contact. I gave her no respite from acknowledging my panoptic gaze; that, make no mistake, she was an object to be controlled and directed. In the world outside this convention centre, she was strong, independent, prized for her acumen. But in the here and now? Her body, her attention, her affection and her wishes were mine alone, to be respected, toyed with or disposed of as I saw fit. In short, she was property.
“I love what I see.” She looked exquisite. There was enough light to show the goosebumps forming on the skin around her breasts and her nipples were swelling to hardness in their perfectly round, dark areolas.
“Take a step towards me.” She did as asked. “Spread your legs for me.” A slight hesitation but then compliant, she widened her stance.
“Touch yourself.” Her right hand slid slowly to her slit, pointer and middle finger peeling back hidden flesh in the darkness. I could sense hesitation. “C’mon now, Michelle. Don’t lie to me or to yourself.” Acid in my voice. “Really, honest-to-whatever-god you’re praying to right now to save yourself from this… touch yourself.” Eyes closed to relish the sensation of what she was being told to do, mouth slightly agape, and breath raspy. “Michelle, if there is one thing I absolutely demand of you tonight it is this: you will allow yourself to enjoy everything that happens in this room. No fault will lie with you, no shame, no embarrassment, no judgment. Whatever wrongfulness happens tonight, it will be because I have asked you to commit it.” Her eyes narrowed to fully capture the weight of what I was telling her, what I was allowing her to relish, the depravity she could wallow in. “The blame and the guilt, if any, is fully on me.” After a pause, I continued.
“Let me taste your fingers.” On cue, she lifted her hand to my face. I grabbed her wrist as it came up and smelled her wetness. Hints of iron, salt, lust and perfume drifted to my nose. I was hungry. Slowly, I put her fingers in my mouth and ran my tongue between them, nibbling gingerly. Guiding her hand, I pushed her digits deeper touching the back of my throat.
“MMMmmmm..” Michelle moaned. I shifted and started to kiss her palm, continuing with a straight line to her wrist. Standing up straight, a prominent bulge protruded from my pants. Michelle rubbed the growing mass with her free hand and began to undo the single button of my khakis. Soon these were around my ankles and shunted off to the side. Without shame, I stood completely naked, full attention, before Michelle.
My hunger had deepened. I took a step towards her pulling her in, grabbing her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck; her thick black hair draped over us both. Colliding in a deep French kiss, our mouths sparred. I walked her back, forcing her to backpedal until she found herself against the cold mirror. My lips found their way to her neck where I began to bite her throat, not caring if I marked her; deep powerful bites raking her delicate skin - a pulsing jugular brushing up against my lips, pulsating with life, excitement, even fear.
“Jesus Christ.” she gasped as I pressed her harder into the cold glass.
“Do you want more?” I asked between the relentless assaults on her flesh.
“Fuck yesss…” There was that animal hiss again.
I worked my way down to her pert nipples and swollen breasts, little hard marbles atop a circular sea of dark brown skin. Her back arched slightly offering them up to me. I slathered them with saliva, flicking the nipples firmly with my tongue and rolling them between my lips. I could sense the heart pounding in her chest. I transitioned from using my tongue and lips, to my teeth; gently teasing, at first, on her hardened nipples. Michelle let out a moan. I bit down harder. A forceful inhalation of air through could be heard coming from her mouth. I repeated the process on the other breast. More moaning, more hissing.
“Do you want me to continue?” I asked.
“Yesss… more.” She pleaded.
“More what?”
“Of you. Of this… fucking take me.”
“Good girl. Very. Good. Girl.” My pauses punctuated how happy I was with her reactions. “I’m going to make you ache, my girl.” She shuddered at my promise.
I released Michelle from my grip and turned her around to face the mirror. The red haze of the room cast devilish, sinful shadows everywhere. We were celebrating our sins. Together.
“Put your hands on the mirror and brace yourself.” She did as she was told, causing her ass to jut out as she bent over to face her reflection. “Don’t you dare move a fucking inch.” Statue-like she stood.
I went to the nearby table to grab a condom and wrapped it around my throbbing member. I spat in my hands and brought it to Michelle’s face. “Spit,” I told her. She did. “Spread your legs further.” She parted them on command. I began to rub her pussy and clit with my moistened palm. “You’re going to do your best to make me very happy aren’t you?”
“Mhmmm” she moaned as I massaged her dark crevice. Her musk was exhilarating.
“You wouldn’t want me unhappy and angry, Michelle.”
“N-n-no, I wouldn’t.”
Planting myself behind her smaller figure, I parted her lips and entered her wetness in a slow deliberate thrust, from behind. I could feel the heat, sloshing between us.
“God!” she yelped through half gritted teeth. The smell of iron, salt and lust intensified.
I began to rock back and forth in a rhythm, driving myself each time further and harder into her depths. I did this for several minutes, changing pace as I saw fit. Her breath quickened. Her hands still pressed against the mirror before us but eyes cast down towards the floor. This would not do. She needed to acknowledge what’s happening, what she willingly volunteered for. I reached out and wrapped a swath of thick black hair in my fist and tugged, causing her to look at our devil-red reflections in the mirror.
“Look at what you’ve become.” I commanded her, my tone stern. Unintelligible sounds escaped Michelle’s mouth.
“You’re here, alone with me, a man who’s not your husband… alone and completely helpless.”
“Yesss…” she gasped between deep strokes.
“What you’re doing is so wrong… so fucking dirty… so filthy.” The contempt in my voice was palpable.
“Do you know what you are?” I slowed the pace of the thrusting slightly but my haunches continued slapping against Michelle’s bare ass.
“N-n-no.. What?”
“A dirty fucking slut… that’s what you are, aren’t you?”
“Yesss… that’s what I am.”
“Say it… say the exact words.” I had to slow down considerably for fear of exploding. I tugged on her hair harder to stress the helpless situation she was in.
“I-I-I’m a dirty fucking slut.”
“Good girl.” I complimented her. “And at this exact moment… whose dirty fucking slut are you?”
“Yours.” Michelle answered without missing a beat.
“Very good girl.” My thrusting had become so crazed from the excitement of the exchange that I was lifting Michelle’s petite frame onto her tiptoes. Slowly, I let go of her hair, gently rubbing the base of her back and shoulders to relieve some tension. I pushed her closer to the mirror, A-cup breasts meeting the glass while I remained inside her. Brushing aside her long hair, I peppered the back of her neck with kisses. I could hear Michelle’s breathing slow down.
Time had little meaning in this intense play. Had it been 5 minutes? 10? 20? When exactly did we start? I honestly did not know. There were no clocks visible in the red room.
Changing the tone of my voice, I whispered in Michelle’s ear “I’m just checking in. Are you ok? Is everything good?” This snapped her out of the lustful haze she was luxuriating in. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I could see a smile from where I stood behind her. “Are you ok?” Michelle asked.
“I’m feeling great. I love playing like this with you.” Slowly extracting myself from her, I guided Michelle to the bed proper and we lay down side-by-side facing each other.
“I know that play was pretty raw so I’m checking-in to see if you're good.”
Michelle gave a big smile. “This is why I feel I can play this way with you. I know you’re looking out for me.”
I smiled in return. “Awesome. That’s what I love to hear. Your safety is everything.”
I got up to go to the table near the room’s entrance, opened a case of bottled water and handed one to Michelle. We each took several large gulps. “Whew… didn't realize how hot it was getting in here.” she acknowledged.
“For sure. You definitely steam things up.” I cajoled. I could feel the dampness on my skin where it had been rubbing against her, and in the low red light I could see drops of perspiration beading on her temple.
For the next few minutes we took a breather, lay on our backs and chatted. Two or three groups had entered the room during this time and occupied the other beds. Sounds of pleasure and fornication could be heard from all corners of the red room. Michelle and I paid them no mind and conversed about assorted dramas in our workplace, couples we had met at VIN, developments within our own circle of lifestyle friends and wild escapades we had been on since we last saw each other. In one incident, she recounted an afternoon rendezvous with a previous lover whose wife was now on hiatus from the lifestyle but he was still allowed to play. They met at a hotel in the city after one of her in-office work days that pulled her into Toronto. “We fucked each other senseless through the entire night. We came multiple times and he fucked me once again early the following morning before he had to leave for work. I was so sore!”
Her story was bringing me back to life. I love hearing stories of women owning their sexuality unapologetically, the adventures they go on, and genuinely relishing it. I moved closer to Michelle and as she spoke I kissed her collarbone repeatedly, working my way towards her breasts and nipples which were again starting to swell with blood. She stopped her tale and began to breathe deeply.
“Keep going.” I urged her. “I want to hear more.”
Michelle composed herself as best she could while my slick tongue traced the dark skin punctuating the middle of her breasts. She groaned then continued, “An hour after my friend left, Leo came to pick me up and drive me back to our house as I didn’t need to work in the city that day.”
“Mhmmm… how did he react?”
She was gasping for air, her back arching as I paired my tongue work on her left breast with fingers that began rolling the right nipple between them, pinching them just enough to elicit some discomfort. In response, they hardened, Michelle's excitement turning them into small brown pearls.
“Leo wanted to hear everything … how often we fucked, how sore I was from being used all night.”
“Similar to how I’m using you now for my pleasure?” I pinched harder.
An audible gasp exited Michelle’s mouth “God yesss….”
“Continue,” I told her.
“Leo couldn’t wait. He took me right then and there in the hotel kitchenette before driving me home.”
“I wouldn’t be able to wait either.” In fact, I wanted to devour Michelle again as her story had my blood pumping. Quickly rolling off her, I sat up in the bed. “You are such a dirty wanton slut, I fucking love it.” I meant it as praise.
She smiled coyly at me “What can I say? I really like sex.”
“I know you do.” I agreed. “But I want further proof of it. Get on all fours in front of me, slut.”
Immediately, she did as she was told. I opened my legs, hard-on visible in the low vermillion light. Wrapping her right hand around it, she gripped it tight and instinctively started kissing the head of the shaft, pulling down the foreskin in the process. Her tongue darted around the bulbous tip and soon started licking it like a proverbial lollipop, spit and drool running down its length. Michelle looked up at me as she did this to accentuate the fact she knew clearly what she was doing, and relished it.
“You’re very good at this.” I confirmed. “Make me happier, Michelle.” With this statement, I placed my right hand gently behind her head, taking a length of hair and slowly, steadily forced her down onto my shaft. Again, no resistance. My girth inched its way into the waiting “O” that was her mouth. Like a sick ventriloquist, I controlled the rhythm of her head as it bobbed up and down on my cock. More spit and saliva emanated from her lips, running down to my inner thighs. Occasionally, I would hear a pleasant gagging sound as the tip would touch the back of her throat. In time, she would redouble her efforts trying to get the entire length of me into her mouth. The pleasure was intense and I knew I could not take too much more for fear of ending the night prematurely. In response, I lifted Michelle up, her face meeting mine and passionately kissed her as a show of gratitude. Tearing open another condom, I wrapped myself once more. Michelle began to adjust to a prone position but I commanded her to stay on all fours. “You’re a bitch in heat, and should be treated as such.”
“I’m all yours.” she growled, turning to face the mirror from atop the bed. Grabbing Michelle’s hips I started with a slow grind, pushing myself deep inside her. I could feel myself sliding cleanly with the moisture of her inner flesh as I thrusted. Knowing I could do more at a different angle, I twisted around so we could both see our side profile in the mirror. I placed my hand against the back of her head and pushed it to rest on a pillow. Now face-down-ass-up, I increased the vigor with which I plumbed her womanhood. She bit into the pillow snarling “Fuck yesss….! Hurt me. Make me sore.” The beast was roiling in its cage.
“I want to break you.” I said. “I will break you.”
“God.. fucking ruin me!” With my pace quickened and heart rate shooting up, I found myself ramming my pelvis into her wet slit relentlessly; her body having been offered up to me like some delicious sacrifice. Michelle grunted along with the sounds our skin made as we collided. Drops of perspiration ran down my chest and onto her buttocks. My heart was racing. After several minutes of this delicious torture, I forced myself to slow down as I did not want to cum, not with the rest of the night left to me.
I contorted yet again and made Michelle roll halfway onto her side while I adjusted my legs so I remained upright. In this position, our lower limbs scissored, allowing me to continue penetrating at a different angle (and allowing us both to recover). I looked into her eyes in the red light that bathed and accentuated every slender contour of her body. In a hoarse voice I asked her “Do you know what I want?”
“Please, tell me.”
“I want to meet up with you one day in the city.”
Michelle’s eyes cocked up. “Oh really?” This was cue to continue with whatever fantasy I was spinning.
“Yeah… I want us to meet on your lunch break. We won’t need a hotel. We’ll rendezvous at Oasis Aqualounge.”
Michelle was controlling her breath as I continued to thrust into her while talking of our fictional plans.
“I’ll pay for it and take you up to the red room on the third floor. I know you have a thing for red rooms.”
A smile curled on her lips “I do.”
“And since I'm the one paying… I’d demand to get the full measure of my money. I don’t like poor investments.”
“Of course.” Michelle played along “I aim to please my clients fully. What exactly would that entail?”
“I’d fuck you bareback.”
“Yesss…” There was that hiss again.
“Would you like that Michelle? To be used like this on your lunch break? A pleasure seeking whore?”
“By you? Absolutely.”
“Good girl. I’d want to take video of this happening and send it to our unsuspecting spouses … they’d see me splitting you wide open, entering your wet sopping cunt, bare with a raging hard-on. What do you say to this?”
“Fuck yesssss… make it happen. Own me.”
“Oh?” I asked nonchalantly. I knew where this was going. “How would you like me to illustrate my ownership on camera as I filmed?”
“Fucking choke me… make me beg.”
There it was. The beast was fully out. She wanted delicious pain. To lose control. To be controlled.
I immediately untangled our legs and flipped Michelle onto her back, while sliding myself back in missionary style in less time than the blink of an eye. On cue, I placed my left hand firmly on her delicate throat with a hint of pressure. This gesture made Michelle rabid, squirming wildly under my weight. Trying fruitlessly to get me off. I took my right hand and locked her wrist in my grip, signaling my dominant position in this exchange; she was going nowhere, resisting no one. Michelle spat out “Fuuuuuck… fuck you… Jesus Christ.” She was quivering.
“I’ll do you one better.” I explained. “When we meet in the city…”
Between gasps Michelle grunted loudly.
“I’d cum inside you… coat the walls of your dripping pussy with my seed.”
“God yesss. Fucking make it happen!”
“Then I’d send you back to work… dripping. Cum seeping out of your filthy used cunt all afternoon, down your legs. You’ll struggle not to stain your office chair, remaining tense the entire afternoon for fear of leaking.”
At these words, Michelle wrapped her legs around my thrusting pelvis to pull me in tighter.
“When you’re finally home at the end of the day, I’d send your husband the film we made at lunch, showing him what an absolutely, filthy, wanton animal he married. Then he’d rightly punish you by fucking you even more senseless - pushing my seed deeper into you.”
In response to my narrative, Michelle squeezed so tight with her legs I feared I would be sliced in two. She quivered, gritting her teeth and clenching her eyes tightly all at once. I increased my pounding, my heart feeling as if it was going to burst forth from my throat.
An eternity later, we lay crumpled in a sweaty heap on the bed, heads spinning, our worlds a mixed red and black haze.
The Wind Down
The silence between us was finally broken by a stifled cough. I looked over at Michelle and we both smiled. “That was pretty fucking amazing.” I offered.
“Fuck yes.” she confirmed. “Thank you for that.”
“No, thank you!” I stressed the word YOU. “And, of course, huge thanks to both our partners for letting us play like this. I can’t believe I got a hall pass tonight!” The incredulity of it all was evident in my tone. “I absolutely love this community and the circle of friends we’ve built.”
“Amen to that,” Michelle agreed.
After a few minutes of rest, the world began to return to us. We became conscious of sounds other couples in the room were making; their chatter, their play, their general movements. Facing Michelle squarely, I asked if everything had been to her liking.
“Absolutely. Like I said last night, I love playing with you. You’re kinky as hell and I feel safe.”
“That’s a huge compliment, Michelle.” I noted “You didn’t use any of your safe words.”
“I honestly didn’t feel the need to. I felt safe the whole time.”
This level of trust was a huge ego boost. “Hearing that makes me feel so good. I don’t think I could ever actually choke you. I’d never want to put you in actual harm. Safety is always paramount in all forms of play, y’know?”
Michelle opened her mouth in a wide smile and slightly rolled her eyes. “Thanks, dad.” A rare hint of sarcasm was detected.
“I’m turning 50 this year. You’re 32. In some weird alternate multiverse, I am technically old enough to be YOUR DAD.”
Her face scrunched half in revulsion. “Not an image I want to think about!”
I laughed “Sorry! Sorry! Way to kill the mood I know!”
A gaggle of men and women had entered the room to peek around. The other couples on the beds beside us were winding down as well.
“C’mon it’s getting busy in here… it’s probably time to clear out.” Michelle advised.
“For sure.” I agreed. After giving the cursory wipe of our bed, we stepped out into the fluorescent lighting of the hallway. It was blinding coming from the semi-darkness. Michelle was fiddling with her glasses and I offered my assistance. “Could you give them a wipe for me?” I took the spectacles from her face and delicately cleaned them on a section of my pants. “Thanks, LS bestie.” I smiled at the term.
We made our way back through the labyrinth of side tunnels leading from the red room to the hotel proper. Serendipitously, we met both Leo and Sindee wandering in a hallway looking for us. Michelle immediately went to her husband. I greeted him casually, smiled, then went over to my lovely wife to hug her and plant a passionate kiss on her lips.
“Did you have fun?” Sindee inquired.
“You bet.”
“I’ll want all the details later.” She kissed me again. “But for now, it’s my turn to have some time with my sexy husband.”
“I’m all yours. Now and forever.”
Sindee smiled “Oh I know, lover. I know… but I don’t mind sharing from time to time. And…we’ve been invited to an end-of-VIN blow out orgy at Mike and Chloe’s suite.” A sly grin crossed my gorgeous wife’s face. “Hope you didn’t expend all your energy on this hall pass because a few of our lady friends had their hopes set on more fun with you.”
I couldn’t help but have my heart filled with joy; I was thankful, of course, for the rare chance to have the gift of the hall pass, but more so for the general state of affairs of our relationship; Sindee and I are a rock solid team, playing together (mostly), exploring together, caring for our family together, setting sights and plans for the future and looking forward always – together. I felt incredibly privileged to do everything I do, in and out of the lifestyle.
I laughed. “Woman, you are going to be the fucking death of me, y’know that?”
“It’ll be a good death… one with a rock solid hard-on.” Sindee winked.
Leo and Michelle had floated off elsewhere, I’m sure re-connecting, re-affirming and re-claiming through their own rituals. I gazed into Sindee’s eyes deeply, knowing full well the depth of my luck.
“Lead on then.” I said with confidence. Grabbing me by the hand we strode back into the fray that was VIN and the party raging on the upper balcony.