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My Wrestling History Part 2

"Continuation of Part 1"

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Karen and I had been seeing each other every weekend since our first encounter and having a great time wrestling and playing afterwards, but we were starting to find that getting together on Friday night at 3 am after work, having our fun until 5 or 6 am, and then trying to get back into work for noon on Saturday was really tough to do. So, at the end of October, we decided to cut back to just Saturdays and Sundays. Since Hallowe’en fell on a Sunday that year it meant we wouldn’t be able to get together that night and then the following weekend I was busy with an event I was attending so I would not be around at all. It was going to be a long time before we were going to have any fun (ok so not as long as it had been since we had gone before we started doing this, but still pretty long after six weeks in a row of fun). Karen would usually call me at my place in Hamilton on Thursday nights before the weekend began to discuss the plans for the weekends match’s and just general conversation topics like we always did before we started enjoying each other’s company.

During one of those chats I let Karen know that my course schedule provided me with every Wednesday off for what they referred to as open workshop day. Basically, it meant we could go into school and use all the facilities to work on our current projects without having to learn anything, but also have access to the instructors to ask any questions we may have. So, I had always told Karen I could come to her place on Wednesdays if she so desired and spend the whole day. This was something she said was never going to work because while she always had Wednesdays off work, she used that day to do things like errands and groceries and just generally relax without having to answer to anyone or do anything other than take care of herself.

So, when she called on the Tuesday night after my weekend away, I was excited to hear from her, but also a little concerned as her tone was very different than what she usually had when she called me. She told me she wanted me to come to her place as soon as I could on Wednesday morning and stay as late as I possibly could and to be ready to wrestle hard as soon as I got there.

I asked her if she was ok because she seemed upset and all I got was, ”I am in need of releasing some frustration and I know of no better way to do it!” Karen told me to wear my bikini briefs for the beginning of the match and then asked when I would be able to get there and what time I would have to leave.

Karen had always insisted that I shouldn’t stay overnight because her nosey neighbours would put the rumour mill into overdrive and have her being a wild woman with a young man coming over to spend the night. So, when I told her I would be there by 10 am and I could stay as late as she wanted me to and spend the night at my parents because the Thursday was Remembrance Day and there would be no classes then, I expected her response to be a simple ok. She shocked me when she said that I should just stay at her place as she didn’t have to work on the Thursday either.

“Are you sure? What about the neighbours?”

“Fuck them” was her response. I had to laugh at her abrupt statement and then told her if she was sure I would definitely stay overnight.

I arrived at Karen’s a little after 10 am and as usual I went in the side door and downstairs to the room, Karen wasn’t in the room so I went into the change room and changed into my dark green briefs and went to the ring to warm up. I could hear Karen moving around upstairs, bedroom to kitchen, back to bedroom, washroom, and then back to kitchen where she seemed to be banging things around, and definitely heard the fridge door slammed. Then back to bedroom and finally headed down the stairs with a very notable stomping to her walk. I was expecting her to be agitated from the call the night before and the sounds from upstairs, but the woman that entered the room that day was the tough wrestler that I saw only in the ring, and not the basically mild mannered woman that usually met me in the room when I would come over and would chat and smile and laugh with me before we got into wrestling mode. She was wearing a white robe and she slammed the door to the room closed as she entered. Her hair was in a ponytail, something she rarely did for our matches saying it was easier for me to pull her hair during the match, something I took advantage of frequently.

I said hello and she responded with “you ready to do this?”

“Yes I am” was all I said, knowing at that point that she was in match mode and no other conversation was going to happen.

Karen removed her robe revealing the sexiest bright blue string bikini I had ever seen. The top covered and held her tits very well and was tied at the back of her neck and the middle of her back, I would find out later in double knots so it would not be easy to remove, and the bottom straps went high up over her hips and was slightly too small to completely cover her ass. It was not a thong, in 1982 they weren’t selling thongs in Canada, if anywhere except maybe Brazil.

She walked over to me in the middle of the ring and as we always did before a match, we kissed, and hugged, took one step back and got onto our knees. Karen said ready, I said ready, and she launched herself towards me with a grunt and wrapped her arms around my head. I countered by wrapping my arms around the middle of her back and we both started to squeeze. Karen also started to try and push me backwards and she was starting to succeed, so in an attempt to slow her progress I grabbed hold of the pony tail and started to pull her head back. This started her verbal attacks that were always so colourful and always encouraged me to wrestle harder to make her swear more.

“No fucking way you are going to pull me off asshole, I will smother you til you pass out and then I’ll wake your ass up and smother you again”.

Karen then grabbed my hair and forced my head firmly between her 36 D’s. She had made the threat of smothering me before, but the mood she was in made me wonder if this time she might actually follow through on the threat. I was sitting back on my heels and decided to try and change her position of leverage. I stopped pulling her hair and reached down and got my hands under her ass and pushed up with my legs and lifted her at the same time which got her knees off the floor reducing her base strength slightly. In response she wrapped her legs around my waist, which helped me with my plan which was to get her as high off the floor as possible and body slam her to the mat in the hopes of making her lose her grip.

However, with her legs wrapped around my waist and squeezing, I was wondering if I would have to give up quicker than I would want to. Fortunately, my plan worked. As soon as she hit the mat, with my weight coming down on her since she had me pulled in so close, it winded her slightly and made her release her legs completely and her arms enough to allow me to breathe and escape her hold.

As quick as I could, I moved up and got Karen in a headlock, so she was looking in my eyes and told her “now I am going to make you submit, after I have my fun”.

The look in her eyes was only one of anger as she yelled “you are the one going to submit under my ass”.

Karen started to try and get up off the floor, but I pulled her back down by the ponytail and spun myself around and as I let go of the headlock, I sat my ass on her face pinning her shoulders under my knees.

Laughingly I said, “who’s going to submit under whose ass?” She attempted to throw her legs up to wrap them around me and pull me off, but I pushed them away easily and with each attempt I would slap one of her tits. I made sure I was in a good position to allow her to breathe through her nose, but my ass was right on her mouth to prevent her from saying much more than muffled profanities. I knew that Karen would never submit from this position, and I really expected that she was in no mood to give up quickly either, so a change of attack was going to be required.

Now before I go into what happened next, remember that anything that was done by either of us was already discussed and deemed to be acceptable in any match we had. Karen had stopped trying to get her legs up to throw me off, but I didn’t stop slapping her tits, only now it was harder. Alternating from left to right on each slap which made her squirm each time and even though they were muffled it was still very obvious that she was swearing like the proverbial sailor, which never ceased to make me giggle.

 I asked if she submitted and I got a very muffled but undeniable “fuck you” which I replied with a punch instead of a slap to her right tit which made her body convulse slightly.

Now the punches were not any harder than ones given to a buddy’s shoulder, and according to Karen, the punches did not hurt any more than a slap did but were more intense a feeling than a slap. As her body was recovering from the first punch, I punched her left tit in the same way, eliciting the same response and another cursing of carnal relations with my mother.

Another round of punches from the side which knocked her tits out of her bikini top and allowed me to then give her nipples a couple of twists as well. I decided to spin around and look down into Karen’s face and allow her to speak more clearly, well to swear more audibly to be more exact. I had her pinned and was in no way going to allow her to get up until she submitted, and she had no intention yet of submitting. I was positioned now in a kneeling position with my ass on her upper chest just above her tits and my crotch just below her chin being careful to not slide up to far and inadvertently choke her. 

Karen was calling me every name she could think of and making statements of what she was going to do to me when she got up.

“Your ass is going to get slapped so hard you’ll beg me to turn you over and slap your cock just to stop the pain. I’m going to sit on your face and make you eat me until I cum 5 times then I’ll slap your cock around until I am happy you have been punished enough.”

My responses were simple, “so submit so you can try and do exactly that bitch.”

Karen got this look in her face when she was going to put in an extra effort, it was a very hot look to me, but it I had learned it was her “tell” and was ready for her when she tried to arch up her back to throw me over her head and I leaned back into her and reached behind me to grab her tits and squeeze them hard to counter her effort.

As her back came down to the floor I released my grasp on her tits and gave her nipples a hard pull in the process, eliciting a scream from her and a “you fucking asshole” as well. Before she could make a second attempt I reached for her ponytail and pulled her head forward so her mouth and nose were in my brief covered crotch.

“To bad I’m not naked, you’d be licking my balls and my dick would be slapping you in the face”. My smiling as I said this frustrated her even more and the glare from her eyes was like daggers. This was the first time I ever thought that she might actually lose her composure and hurt me. I also knew she would end this whole adventure if I in anyway let up or allowed her to escape from the dominant position I had on her.

It was time for me to end this match, so I grabbed her pony tail tight and rolled to my right wrapping my thighs tightly around Karen’s ears and keeping her face in my crotch. The disadvantage to this was now Karen’s arms were free and she started using them to slap and grab my ass and punch me in the back and ribs. With each shot she gave me I returned the slap or punch to her tits and ribs as well and gave an extra squeeze on my scissors.

Karen was getting more and more frustrated with the failure of her attempts to make me let go, and it seemed she was also losing energy as her slaps and attempts started to get fewer and further between. I changed my position so Karen was now on her back and so was I with the back of her head on my crotch and I changed my head scissor to a figure four which insured she could not escape but also provided Karen with the ability to continually curse me out in all her glory. With every curse I would give her head a squeeze and ask if she submitted yet, using as many colourful names as I could think of at that time.

For some reason at this point Karen put her bikini top back in place to cover her tits, so I rolled us over on our left sides and reached down to untie her top which I found to be impossible due to the double knots, so I rolled back and put as much pressure on the scissor hold as I could and lifted my ass off the floor to try and get her to give up.

Karen screamed again and finally said “alright, alright I submit you fucking shithead, let me go” which of course I did promptly and laid back to rest as did Karen.

We took a few minutes to regain our breath and when I sat up, I looked at Karen and she still looked angry and annoyed, so I asked “gonna tell me what’s wrong now?”

“What’s wrong is you won round 1, you won’t be so lucky next round!”

Karen got up first and went over to the fridge and took out a pitcher of ice tea and poured us both a glass. I got up and joined her at the table and she handed me the glass without looking at me or saying a word. I was going to ask again if she would tell me what was wrong, but before I could she stood up and walked into the washroom. When she came out of the washroom she asked if I was ready to go again. I said sure and followed her back to the ring, kissed and hugged her and got down on my knees. She got onto her knees and then also went down on her hands like a cat ready to pounce, which is what she did once we said ready.

This time her attack was more forceful and knocked me onto my back, so I rolled to my side trying to use her momentum to roll her onto her back and gain the advantage. This worked initially, but she then continued to roll us over, so she was back on top and very quickly got me into a grapevine pin with her tits in my face and her arms wrapped around my head. This left my arms free, but she had me well wrapped up and it was impossible for me to roll her off, so I started to do what I could. Spanking her ass, grabbing her tits and squeezing and twisting them, punching her ribs and hips, all to no avail.

Although I knew she was trying to smother me as well, I was able to breathe fairly well at that point and was doing everything I could to dislodge her from her position. Karen laughed at all my attempts and then started to bounce her hips onto my stomach almost like a slow hard fucking motion. With each thrust she would ask if I gave up, to which I would say no, but each thrust was starting to wind me a little and because I couldn’t breathe with her chest in my face, I was starting to find my breathing much more difficult. I am sure Karen could tell I was getting weaker as my slaps and punches were far less frequent and my struggling to throw her off was weaker.

She continued to ask if I would submit and I continued to say no and with each response came another hip bounce and another cursing. Suddenly, she started to bounce on me more rapidly and with each bounce she would say a word to complete her sentence “I’m” (bounce) “going” (bounce) “to” (bounce) “beat” (bounce) “your” (bounce) “ass” (bounce) “then” (bounce) “fuck” (bounce) “you” (bounce) “to” (bounce) “death”.

Something I had heard threatened many times before, which was a good sign to me because it meant she wasn’t just looking to beat me up. At this point she rose up off my face slightly and started to slap my face with her tits. I lost track of how many times she went back and forth but when she stopped, she moved up my body and sat on my face, pulling my head into her damp crotch by my hair and grinding into my face. I made a few attempts to roll her off but my strength had been zapped by the belly bounces and so I finally reluctantly submitted with the thought that there would be a round three for me to win the overall match.

Karen rolled off me and sat beside me for a minute with her back to me and I just laid there and tried to get my breath back and rest for round three. Karen got up and went to the change room and told me to pour us another drink. I was a little confused about her going to the change room as she rarely used it since she didn’t change into different outfits and would usually just take her outfit off in front of me if it was still on after our matches.

A few minutes passed and when she came out of the change room Karen was wearing a man’s white dress shirt and nothing else. The shirt was unbuttoned to her cleavage and went down to about mid-thigh and while it was not completely see through, it was easy to tell the sexy blue bikini had been discarded. Karen took a drink and looked at me with a slight smile that I had seen many times in the past, but not on that day. I asked why the wardrobe change, and was only told I would find out soon enough.

“You ready to settle this?” she asked. I answered yes and she turned and headed back to the ring and I waited until she reached the ring before I joined her, enjoying the view of her ass swaying under the shirt.

When she turned and realized I had not immediately followed her to the ring, she placed her hands on her hips and stared at me as if to say “well, get your ass over here” and in so doing the shirt separated showing her cleavage.

I had to admit that as much as I loved her look in the blue bikini, this stance and look was hotter than any other time I had seen Karen look at me, even in the throes of passion. I joined her on the mats and we proceeded with our usual ritual and the final round began much slower than the previous two.

Karen bent down and started to circle me (which isn’t easy to do on your knees) providing me with a very nice view down the shirt which she admitted later was part of the plan to distract me. The attempt may have worked if I hadn’t seen her lovely tits before, but in this instance all it did was make me want to get the match over with so I could enjoy all of her body. So, as she made another move to continue circling I lunged forward and went up over her head landing on her back and catching her head between my thighs and wrapping my arms around her waist. Karen tried to use my momentum to flip me over her back, but I had gone down to the floor too quickly and she could not get enough movement going to complete the flip, but she did manage to roll us on to our right side.

I continued to maintain the hold and started to squeeze both Karen’s head and around her waist hoping to drain her energy. She then managed to roll us so I was on my back and she was facing the ceiling and then she started to do the reverse of the earlier hip bouncing she had done, but this time it was bouncing my head off the mats. This wasn’t feeling too good, so I released my hold around her waist and pushed her off my upper body while still trying to keep the head scissor in place. Since her back was facing me and I still had a fairly good head scissor in place, I reached down and gave her ass a hard slap which seemed to both shock and agitate her.

“Fuck that hurt” she yelled as she tried to roll her body towards my feet. I reached down and grabbed the shirt and pulled her back into the same position and slapped her ass again.

“Not so fast, I’m not finished slapping your ass” and I slapped it a third time. With each slap I would also give a hard squeeze to the head scissor making her swear as loud as she could with each smack and squeeze.

Karen tried again to roll away from me and I grabbed the shirt again at the back and pulled her back to me and this time reached around and slapped her tit causing her to refer to me in a few not so flattering terms. I held onto the shirt and told her to give up as she wasn’t getting out of the scissors.

“Fuck you” was the reply I got, so I slapped her ass again although not as hard as the previous ones and gave her head another squeeze with my thighs. Karen seemed to be losing her resolve a bit as she rolled onto her back, which was likely uncomfortable with her head still wedged between my thighs facing my feet.

I reached down and grabbed her left tit and squeezed it, not overly hard, just enough to see what her reaction was. It was more of a moan than it was a painful groan, so I gave her nipple a little pinch and got a similar reaction, so I asked again, “give up?”

She sighed and said, “if I could reach your cock I would slap it to make you let me go, but since I can’t, I give”.

I let go of my scissor hold and laid on my back staring at the ceiling, resting after what seemed like the hardest and roughest match we had ever had.  

I looked at Karen just as she looked at me. “I am going to make you so sore after we are done; you are going to wish you never learned how to fuck”.  

“I look forward to that feeling, but I highly doubt I will wish for that”, was my reply.

After a few minutes Karen sat up and turned to look at me, this time with the look I had come to learn meant it was time to fuck and fuck hard. Before she moved any further, I stood up and walked over to her standing with my crotch directly in her face. She smiled evilly and licked her lips before she licked my cock through my briefs which was now starting to get hard. Karen licked again as she reached up to grab the waistband and pulled the briefs down releasing my cock which popped out and bounced onto her face. With my cock resting between her eyes and on her forehead, she sucked each of my balls for a few seconds and then moved her head to allow my cock to drop into her mouth and she began to suck slowly at first and, then gradually with more intensity. She reached around and grabbed hold of my ass with both hands and started thrusting my hips for me, so I was fucking her mouth at whatever pace she wanted, which she varied to her desire, and my ecstasy. I grabbed hold of her hair with both hands and held on, which seemed to her like I was pulling her hair, which she loved, but really, I was just making sure I remained standing until she was done.

It was always up to Karen how long she sucked my cock, most times it was until I came in her mouth, but occasionally she would stop before I got to that point and start riding me until we both came, but since I won the match I assumed, correctly, that she would swallow my load. She increased her pace as she felt me getting closer and I began to thrust my hips involuntarily as I got even closer and as I began to cum she grabbed my ass hard and pulled me in closer to her and wrapped her arms around me so I couldn’t back away from her and her nose was pressed in my pubic hair and my cock was hitting the back of her throat. If I hadn’t been in the throes of a fantastic orgasm I would have been concerned that I could possibly be choking her. Karen and given me a blowjob a number of times and swallowed it all, but this was the first time she seemed to be trying to deep throat all of me.

She continued to hold me in tight to her after I finished cumming and then slowly started to continue sucking me. As I regained my senses I became aware that she still had on the dress shirt and I could feel her tits pressing against my thighs through the shirt. Karen continued to suck my cock even though it was starting to soften, and still had her arms wrapped around me as if she knew if she let go, I would fall down from being drained and now she was looking up at me and continued to maintain eye contact as she picked up the pace attempting to get me hard again, and it was working.

The erotic look on her face as she went up and down, sucking in her cheeks and swirling her tongue around my cock, brought it back to life in record time (oh the joys of youth!!). Karen stopped and pulled me down to the mat, quickly straddled me and shoved her pussy down on my cock and started to ride hard and continued to stare into my eyes as she enjoyed her top position. She still had the dress shirt on and as her pace picked up her tits were visibly bouncing and swaying with her motions and as she got closer to her orgasm her eyes closed and she began her usual sex swearing and as she got to the point that she was grinding down hard on my cock and moving back and forth rapidly, she grabbed the shirt and pulled it open finally exposing her sweat covered tits and grabbing them with both hands as her first orgasm began with the usual, “oh fuck yes, fuck me, oh god yes”.

At this point I reached around and grabbed hold of her ass trying to make sure she didn’t bounce off of me and she leaned down pushing her tits into my face and making me suck on one nipple then the other as she continued in the throes of her orgasm. We stayed in this position until Karen was finished with her first orgasm, and she regained her breath and sat back up smiling down at me. I was still hard and she began to rock back and forth on me again, and then started to bounce up and down again and then she started to rotate on my cock so her back was towards me and started to ride again.

Karen loved this position because she could control the motion, she could play with my balls, and I could slap her ass, all of which we were doing. She had at least one more orgasm in this position, possibly as many as three since it was hard to tell with her swearing and yelling, which just encouraged me more. Once she finally stopped writhing on top of me, I pushed her up and off my cock and slid out from under her leaving her on all fours, and got behind her and started fucking her doggy style.

I loved this position because I could control the pace and the pounding of her pussy as well as slapping her ass and pulling her hair. I could tell it wouldn’t be long before I was ready to cum again so I grabbed her hair in my left hand and started to slam her pussy as hard as I could muster at that point while slapping her ass with my right hand.

The swearing started very quickly, “fuck me, oh fuck yes, harder, harder, for fuck sake pound my pussy”. Karen reached between her legs and grabbed my balls and held them against her clit as I slammed her pussy as hard as I possibly could and we both came extremely hard, first me and then she came again from the feeling of my cum hitting the inside of her pussy. Her pussy was wrapped so tightly around my cock at that point that it took a few seconds before she released it and I was able to pull out and fall onto the mats completely worn out.

As I laid there Karen came over and started to suck my cock again, and I said “I don’t think that’s going to work this time”.

“I know, I just want to taste the mixture of our juices”, which made my cock spasm a bit as she continued to enjoy what she was doing.

Once she finished, I asked again “so what is it that is bothering you and brought on this fabulous day”.

“Frustration and anger, frustration caused by going 2 weeks without getting my hands on you, and anger caused by the insurance company that I have the settlement with over Brent’s accident, called and told me they were going to be reviewing the settlement and that my payments will likely be reduced”.

Now I understood why she was in such an angry state and why she needed to work out that frustration in the way we had.

“When I realized it was going to be another few days before I would see you and be able to get the anger out of my system, I remembered about your Wednesdays off and decided to get your ass in here and get it out of my system. And when you said you could be around for a couple of days, that cinched it for me, but I knew it needed to be a rougher than usual match that led to a really hard fuck to make me feel better, and it worked, for now.”

All I could say was, “glad to be of service m’lady”.

To which she laughed and slapped my chest. I asked what the plan was for the next couple of days; she smiled that wonderful sexy smile of hers and simply said “more of the same, but with you losing”.

I laughed and said, “If you say so”.

Written by Wyldesguy

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