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My wrestling history, Part 1

"This isn't for everyone, but neither am I."

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I have decided to relay some of the wrestling matches I have had over the years for the enjoyment of others who still enjoy reading. I have been accused of lying, fantasizing, and just generally wishing that my stories are true, as some people believe no woman would wrestle like this or in any way enjoy the kind of matches I describe. At this point it no longer concerns me if anyone is a disbeliever. So, I will now regularly post the details of as many matches as I can recall, that were significant in my memory. I feel the best place to begin, would be at the beginning, and I have been told previously that I get way too deep into the details, so where I can, I will attempt to condense many of the details, without eliminating the necessary points of interest.

It was 1982, yes 1982, and I was living half the time at my parents in a small town close to Niagara Falls On., and the other half the time in Hamilton On. where I was doing my post-secondary education. It was early September and the semester had just begun when there was an advertisement in the school of a special event coming to the campus. The Chicago Knockers Mud Wrestling show was going to be there early in the second week of school. Now I was not so naïve as to think this was going to be anything sexy, but hopefully it would be a little competitive and provide me with a few erotic tidbits to fuel later fantasies. What a disappointment it was. The show was nothing better than a tumbling act in what looked more like pudding then mud with women that wore slightly sexier one piece suits then what was worn in 1982 by the ladies of professional wrestling. For those who may be too young to remember, back then women never wore a two piece anything while professional wrestling, unlike the sexy outfits of today`s women. Upon going back to my parents on Friday for the weekend, as was my routine, I was amused to see that at the next weekends local Fall Fair who should be appearing on the Saturday night but The Chicago Knockers Mud Wrestling show. This had the local teenage population all a tither and the younger employees at work could not stop whispering about what they thought the show would be like.

Since I was a little older than most of the guys that worked at the restaurant, I would usually end up working the bar on Friday nights over the dinner rush which put me close to the waitresses and the dishwashers and bus staff. One of the dishwashers was about 16 and I heard him talking with a few of the other teens about the mud wrestling that he was going to go see next Saturday and how he thought it was going to be a ``wicked`` time (remember…1982). Of course, he was told by at least one of the valley girl influenced waitresses that ``oh my god, you`re so gnarly``. Which he seemed to take as a compliment, which proves even in 1982 boys didn`t understand women. Eventually the young guy started to talk to me about it and was wide eyed and ecstatic when I told him I had just seen the show earlier that week. He wanted all the details and looked like he might cry when I told him all about the joke of a show and that it was actually less sexy then watching the professional women wrestling, and we all know how fake that is. While I was devastating this young man`s libido I was making drinks for two of the waitresses who were giggling at the story as I was telling it, I was not aware that Karen, my favourite co-worker was standing off to the side of the bar waiting her turn to order drinks. I told the young guy that if he thought the mud wrestling show would be sexy and fun to watch, he and everyone else would be sadly disappointed. At that point Karen made a small coughing noise as if to get my attention and I finished the drinks I was working on and asked what she needed. She told me her order and the young man wandered off to the dish area and I proceeded to make Karen`s drinks.

I had only been working at this location of the restaurant chain for about 6 months and in that time, I had spoken with Karen quite frequently and had given her a ride home for a few weeks during the summer when her car had broken down and she had to wait to accumulate enough funds to repair it. She had an additional income from a life insurance policy that she received monthly after her husband had been killed in an accident a few years previously, but that only covered bills and mortgage payments and basic necessities, and therefore she used her income from waitressing for her extras. Karen was older than most of the other staff, she was 36, 5`6`` and while she was not a slim woman, she was also not a big woman, she was what I would describe as well curved, basically, a real woman. Karen and I always seemed to get along because I would just talk to her about anything she felt the desire to talk about and I could make her laugh when she was having a bad night, we just got along well. So, when she wouldn`t speak to me the rest of that evening I found it a little odd since she seemed to be in good spirits earlier. Around closing time, I was able to ask her if everything was ok and she told me she would speak to me later on after we finished closing up for the evening.

It was not unusual for the waitresses to ask someone to walk them to their cars at 3 a.m., so I correctly assumed Karen would do so when we had finished.  Once we were away from the restaurant doors Karen began to tell me that it was not very nice of me to tell the young dishwasher that the show he was looking forward to enjoying was so bad. She likened it to ruining a movie for someone by telling them the ending or telling them the murderer of a whodunit. I said I understood what she was saying, but I felt it was necessary to set his expectations properly to prevent the disappointment he was destined to experience, and besides he dismissed my critique of the show as just being disappointed that I didn`t get to join in the match`s. Karen looked me square in the eyes and asked if that WAS the reason for my dislike of the show. I immediately said it was not. I stated that the wrestling was so foolish there was no way it would have been enjoyable at all. Karen scoffed at this and said ``you mean to say you would not have loved to wrestle with those women because of the WAY they wrestled?”. “Exactly” was my reply. Karen smiled and said, “so you would have wanted to wrestle with them if they really wrestled like on TV?” Now it was my turn to scoff, “TV wrestling is almost as bad as this was, but at least they use some holds and compete a little, even though it is choreographed”. Karen looked at me for a minute, and then stated, “So you are saying, if the wrestling was more realistic, you would have enjoyed it and would have wanted to join in?” I said “yes, and without the mud and maybe naked too” hoping my humour would alleviate the tension I was feeling in that instance. Karen smiled and asked if I had ever done that before? I said no, I had wrestled in high school but never with a girl, not even with a girlfriend. “But you’d like to, wouldn’t you?” Karen said straight faced. The question kind of caught me off guard and I must have stammered a little before saying “I dunno, maybe.” Karen laughed a little and said it was late and she should go home and asked what I was working tomorrow. I told her I was only in from 2 til 8 on Saturday. She said she would see me then as she was working from noon til 8. I asked her if she was still mad at me for shooting down the young dishwasher and she said yes she was, but she’d get over it and so would I and we might talk more about it tomorrow, but it was too late now and she needed to get some sleep before coming in tomorrow. We said our goodbyes and went home, but I was very concerned that I had offended Karen in some way and that our friendship, such as it was, may have been damaged.

The next day I arrived at work and said my usual hello’s and was unable to speak to Karen right away as she was busy. As usual around 5 p.m. I was behind the bar assisting with drinks and as it slowed down, I was able to ask Karen if we were ok. She smiled and asked what I was doing after work. This was not an unusual question for her to ask me as she would regularly wonder if I had found a date or a girl friend since moving to the town. I replied I was not doing anything, and Karen said “then we should have a chat if you are ok with that”. I said of course and continued working until the shift ended. As Karen and I both signed out for the night I expected we would sit in one of the booths in the restaurant and talk there which was a usual habit for many of the employees. Instead, Karen asked me if I remembered where she lived. I said of course and began to ask why, but she cut me off and told me to meet her there is an hour. She then turned and grabbed her things and left. Since Karen lived close by and not too far from my parent’s place, I decided to go home and shower and change before going to her place, since I didn’t want to smell like the pizza’s I had been making most of the day. I got to Karen’s shortly after 9, and somewhere in my early 20’s, sexually over charged brain, I had a silly thought that she would answer the door wearing something sexy and would ravish me as soon as I got in the door, but she answered the door in sweatshirt and sweatpants and had obviously also showered as her shoulder length brown hair was still damp. I had never seen Karen’s hair down before as she always wore her hair in a bun at work. I also took notice more of her figure as she turned away from me and told me to come in and sit down. It occurred to me I had really never seen Karen in anything but her work uniform, which was very unflattering to even the best of bodies. I sat on the couch in the living room and she asked if I wanted a drink, I asked for a pepsi and Karen grabbed each of us a can and she sat down in the chair beside the couch and started to tell me why she wanted to talk at her home and not in the restaurant where anyone could overhear what she wanted to discuss. Karen started out saying that she wasn’t really upset with me about telling the dishwasher about the mud wrestling show, she was more intrigued as to why I described my disappointment with the show in the way I did. When she asked me about it outside later, she purposely tried to find out if I was interested in wrestling or just annoyed that the show didn’t feature any semi naked women. Now I was confused. What difference did it make why I was disappointed? Why was it important to her to know the difference? I must have looked confused because before I could ask any questions, she said “let me explain”. “I have always thought you were a very nice young man, and I appreciated your humour and your no nonsense attitude at work. You always seem to be having fun without goofing off like so many of the others do at work. When I heard you speaking about the wrestling, it grabbed my attention because wrestling is something I really enjoy and it sounded at first that you were being dismissive of the show because it wasn’t sexy enough, but when we talked later, I could tell it was because it wasn’t real enough, and that made we wonder. Is wrestling with a woman something you would be into? The look when I asked told me it was, and I wanted to talk more about it with you.” I was obviously speechless. Was I really being asked by an older woman if I wanted to wrestle with her? Karen laughed at me as I am sure the look on my face was hilarious. I tried to make sure I understood. “Are you asking me if I want to wrestle with you?” She looked at me and said “have I scared you away now? I’ll completely understand if you are pissed off at me if I have misread the signs”. Karen seemed very concerned that she had offended me in some way, so I quickly put her mind at ease by simply telling her she had completely read the signs correctly. I had to tell her I was astonished that first, she was interested in wrestling and second, that she was so easily willing to tell me she shared my interest. Her explanation was simple. “When Brent (her husband) was alive, we loved to wrestle with each other, and we actually met others around the U.S.  that we would meet and wrestle with as well. When he died I lost interest in pretty much everything. It has only been the last couple of months that I have started thinking about dating again, but since we found it almost impossible to find people in Canada interested in sexy wrestling I didn’t even think about finding anyone interested in that”. When she said sexy wrestling it suddenly occurred to me, she wasn’t talking about JUST wrestling with her.  Now the scared little boy in me started to come out as I, at that time, had only ever had sex with one girl, and I was positive, I wasn’t well versed in all the dynamics that a once married woman in her mid-30’s would be. “Karen, are we talking about erotic wrestling, or just competitive wrestling without any sexual content?” She looked at me, almost with a look of concern, “I was kind of hoping it would be both.” All I could say was WOW. I was stunned that this was happening (hence why at the start of this I said MOST people don’t believe me). There was a silence while I thought about what had just fallen into my lap, and Karen finally broke the silence by asking if the idea of having sex with an older woman wasn’t appealing to me. I snapped out of it and said it actually scared me, and explained why. She laughed and said she was sure that would be something that would be far easier to work on, than the wrestling would be.

We started to talk about wrestling and what interested us about it. What we thought was sexy and what we found silly in what we had seen and, in her case, done. I was astounded that this very proper woman, who I had worked with for 6 months, was such a sexual and erotic woman and enjoyed a very rough type of wrestling leading to a very rough type of sex. I was aroused beyond the level of any arousal I had ever experienced before, and I was having a hard time concealing it from her, which I know was pointless at that point, but I still tried. We set up what rules we would follow and that she would decide what attire, if any, we would wear for our matches. I was to bring a bag with a pair of boxers, a pair of tight sexy briefs or a speedo, a t-shirt, gym shorts, track pants and all of them had to be items that if they got ripped, I wouldn’t miss, as well as personal items like I would have in an overnight bag. When we would meet, it was to be very discreet as she did not want anyone at work or her neighbours to become suspicious, and if she found out I said anything to anyone, this would end as quickly as it began. I completely agreed as there was no way I was going to jeopardise this in any way. It was the discussion of rules that took me a bit to comprehend.

The main rule she kept emphasizing was that if she ever felt I was not putting in 100% effort, we would stop, and she would just tell me to leave. She repeated that through the whole discussion of what can be done during a match and what couldn’t be done. She also made it clear that if she felt I didn’t take advantage of an opportunity to do any of the things on the CAN DO list when I had the chance, she would also be very disappointed. While I anticipated a long list of DO NOT’S, I was taken aback by how few there were. No hitting to the head in any way, no biting, no kicking, no trying to fly through the air like we were professional wrestlers, cause we weren’t, and no tickling, tickling is for school girls. That’s where she stopped, so I said “ok…what else?” She smiled at me and said “if you ever call me fat I will break the kicking rule and kick you in the nuts”. I half laughed then asked her why I would even think about calling her anything like that. “Because you will be calling me names and I will be calling you names as part of the play, but never add the word fat to it in any way”. I was once again confused, but when she began to list the things we CAN do, I was even more confused, and aroused. Karen went through the usual wrestling holds that I knew would be acceptable, headlocks, scissors, nelsons, etc., but then she listed hair pulling, face sitting, breast smothers, nipple twisting, and slapping everywhere but the face, even her tits should be slapped if I have the opportunity to do so, and of course ass slapping as well. But, she also warned that she would be doing those things to me as well, but instead of slapping tits, she would slap my cock. Now I was worried! Slap my cock? That sounded like more pain than I was willing to endure, even for the chance to wrestle with a woman naked and have sex with her afterwards. Karen laughed at me when I said this and then nicely explained that it was my balls that would cause severe pain, but getting my cock slapped wouldn’t be any more painful than getting my hair pulled or my chest punched, which was also one of the things that was allowed, body punching. I took her word for this as she had the experience on, well, everything.

We talked for a little while longer about other things that could be done during a match, but as Karen said later, I would need to be trained a little before we could really have a match that we could enjoy. Then Karen asked if I wanted to see her wrestling room. Figuring at this point she meant her bedroom, and since I was really horny from the conversation, I said sure, not caring if she could see my hard cock through my jeans when I stood up. While I am sure she noticed when we stood up, she did not say anything and just turned and lead me down a hall and then opened a door that led to the basement. Once in the basement there was a wall that was built to enclose the “wrestling room” from the visible laundry area and furnace and what looked to be a work bench area. Karen opened the door to the room and when she turned on the light, I was astounded at what was built in the area behind the wall. There was a 12’x 12’ matted wrestling area in the opposite corner from the door. To the left there was another room that she showed me was a washroom and a large shower area. Further to the left of that room there was a small kitchen sink set up and a cottage sized refrigerator. To the right of the door were three other doors. Two of the doors led to change rooms that were slightly larger than a clothing store change room, and the door in the middle contained what Karen described as some props. Karen said that Brent had built the area shortly after they purchased the house 15 years ago. Originally it was to be a family room, then when they discovered she couldn’t have children he started to convert it to a bar for entertaining friends. About 10 years ago they stumbled across an article on oil wrestling in New York City and were surprised that the idea was arousing for them both. They travelled a lot back then, so they decided to go check it out and were amazed by what they saw, and more so what they felt about it. They wrestled for the first time that night in their hotel room and while it was nowhere near the intensity it was before he passed away, she said it was the most erotic night they had experienced up until that point. I looked at Karen and saw her eyes were welled up and she was on the verge of crying. I asked if she was ok, she said yes, I asked if she was positive this was what she wanted to do, and with me. She wiped her eyes and smiled and turned to look at me. “I have been trying to date for a few months now and every guy I meet is disappointing. I know I can never replace Brent, but I was hoping to at least find someone with a similar character, and a love of life and willingness to try new things. I have always seen those qualities in you, which is why I enjoy chatting with you at work but would never have thought to try and date someone as young as you and by no means should you think we are going to be “dating”. But once I heard you speaking of wrestling, I thought I might as well just go for it, but be smart about it as well, so we aren’t dating, we are just playing, adult style. Which is why, you are not going to tell anyone about this at all”. I smiled and nodded in agreement then asked, “so who won?” She laughed and used the line I still use today when talking to anyone about naked mixed wrestling, “we both did, because when you get into this, there are no losers”. Karen asked me when I was available tomorrow to start the teaching part of our fun. I told her that while I was usually working from 8 am til 4 on a Sunday I wasn’t scheduled at all for tomorrow because I had a family thing to go to which would be done by 3 pm at the latest, but usually I would go back to my place in Hamilton after work as I have a class at 8am Monday morning. So, I could come over after the family thing was done and could stay until maybe 9 or so. Karen said that would be perfect as she did not work at all the next day. She also wanted to try and schedule times for the rest of the week and next weekend. Since I did not come back to my parents during the week, I said that would not be possible, at least not this week, but my schedule for next weekend was the same as it always was on weekends, which Karen was familiar with. So, she said tomorrow and maybe after work next Friday we could do some training and teaching, but by Saturday after work she would expect me to be ready to wrestle full out, and then after work on Sunday as well if I was up to it after Friday and Saturday. I agreed enthusiastically and told her I was looking forward to doing this and seeing her naked (my humour coming out again). She laughed and said that since it was 4 am now, maybe waiting until tomorrow would be the best plan. I reluctantly accepted this, and we headed back upstairs. I kissed her goodbye and before I left I said “wait, if we come here after work on Saturday, we’ll miss the mud wrestling show”. Karen laughed and said well we can go watch that, or we can come here and really wrestle, and probably get naked. I looked at her and said, “who needs mud wrestling?” I left with my hopes of having sex with her that night dashed, but knowing I would likely have my chance tomorrow.

I slept very little that night, so I was regularly dozing off at the family function the next day, so when my parents decided they were leaving earlier than anticipated I was in the car and had it started before they said their goodbyes. We were home by 2 and I was to go to Karen’s for shortly after 3 so I took a shower to help me perk up a bit, but my adrenaline was what was really keeping me up. I showed up at Karen’s with the packed bag she requested of me and entered through the side door as she instructed me to the night before. I went to the wrestling room expecting to see her waiting for me but was disappointed to see the room empty. I heard some shuffling upstairs and assumed Karen would be down shortly, so I went and sat on the wrestling mats to await her arrival. The mats were far softer and more cushioned than they appeared to be from the doorway.  I could hear here coming down the stairs and once again my overactive imagination had her coming through the door naked or in just bra and panties, but again, she walked in wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants and smiled and said she was glad to see me. The t-shirt finally allowed me to see that she had a very good sized set of tits which I could not get a very good look at previously, due to the uniform at work and sweat shirt she wore the night before (Later I would find out they were 36 D’s). “I’m sorry I wasn’t down here to meet you, but I thought there was still a possibility you would think over everything we discussed and get cold feet. So, I did some house cleaning to try and calm my own nerves in case you didn’t come. But I am really happy you chose to come”. I smiled and simply said “what kind of man would turn down an invitation such as this from a beautiful woman?” She smiled and I am sure she blushed a little at my compliment. “So, let’s get started shall we?” she said. Karen asked if I wanted to change or wear what I was wearing. I said I should probably change and asked her what I should change into? She said t-shirt and shorts or sweatpants, whichever I preferred. I went to the change room and came out wearing a black t-shirt and blue shorts knowing that my legs were one of my best features according to other women who had made such comments to me in the summer.  Karen was in the “ring” doing some stretching, still wearing her blue t-shirt and grey sweatpants. I joined her on the mats and started to do my stretching as well. Karen asked if I was ready to do this. I said I was ready to learn what she wanted me to know so I won’t disappoint her when we really wrestle. She smiled and sat upon the mat as I continued to stretch and gave me the verbal tutorial.

“I love to wrestle, and I wrestle to win. I expect the same from you. We will have a number of different types of matches depending on what I feel like doing that day, this is why I asked you to bring different types of clothing each and every time. We will wrestle dressed exactly as we are now, possibly with the goal of stripping each other’s clothes off and the first one naked is the loser, and possibly just dressed this way because I want to, and we will wrestle in other stages of dress all the way down to naked IF I feel like it. We went over the rules last night and they are the same in every match. Today we will go through some slow motion holds and maneuvers that I will use and EXPECT you to use on me. Winners of the falls will be either by submissions or pins to the count of 10, but some matches will be strictly submissions, again depending on how I feel. Any questions before we begin?”  I said no and Karen instructed me to come to the middle of the ring. “Until you are more experienced at this we will always start on our knees and there will be no standing up unless we start standing up. It’s far easier to get injured falling from standing then from kneeling. So, with that said, I want you to try and take me down”. I leaned into Karen and tried to grab her arms and roll her over, and she countered every attempt I made and pushed me off each time I thought I was getting close. So, I changed tactics and lunged forward towards her midsection attempting a tackle maneuver. She leaned into my lunge and wrapped her arm around my head in a front headlock and slid back on her knees to absorb the tackle, I was face down on the mat with my head in a vice like head lock and her full weight down on my back. She had me and she didn’t even try. She told me to try and get out of the hold, so I first tried to roll her over and she blocked that with her legs, so I tried to push my way back to a kneeling position, she leaned down harder on my back to prevent me from doing that, but I sensed this was going to be my best chance of escaping the hold, so I continued the attempts by first getting my knees under me to use as leverage. Suddenly, as I was just getting my arms under me and almost back to all fours, Karen released one of her arms and smacked me on the ass hard. The shock put me back down on my face and Karen swivelled around and was lying fully on top of my back and put me in a full nelson. Karen whispered in my ear, “ain’t so easy to wrestle a woman is it fucker?” Before I could answer she rolled us over in the full nelson and wrapped her legs around my waist and started to squeeze. I gave up readily and Karen let go of the hold and rolled me off her. She was smiling when I rolled back over to look at her and said “good start, you learned two things, don’t give up your center of gravity so easily, and I will trash talk you at every opportunity I get, you ok with that?” “As long as I can do the same thing, you bet”. Karen smiled again and then told me to try to get her down again. This time I had a different approach in mind based on the things we had discussed the night before and my wrestling experience in high school. As I got closer to Karen, we both put our arms up as if to go into a collar and arm hook up, but as she reached out her arms I grabbed her right elbow with my left hand and pushed it across her body and moved behind her, I put my right arm across her chest. I went into a sitting position and pulled her back towards me and wrapped my legs around her waist and squeezed. Karen let out a little gasp when I squeezed and I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “I can wrestle a little too, bitch”. I then leaned back and squeezed harder and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled back on it hard. Karen gave up and laughed when I let her go. I asked her what was funny, and she said it sounded weird to hear me call her a bitch, but she liked it. Karen then lied down on the mats and told me to school boy pin her.  I got on top of her and pinned her arms down by grabbing her wrists and placed my knees on either side of her chest. Karen didn’t try to struggle but asked me if I thought this was a good way to pin someone to win a match? I asked if she could get out of it and if not, then yes it was. Karen asked me to start the pin count, so I did and every three count she would roll slightly to lift one of her shoulders to end the count and tell me to restart the count. I got the point and asked what would work better. “Let me up and I will pin you and show you. You think too much like a high school wrestler and not enough like an erotic wrestler”. Karen then straddled me by sitting on my chest but with her knees beside my ears and instead of using her hands to pin my arms, she used her knees. “This way my hands are free to do other things instead of keeping your arms down, and it is much harder to roll up your shoulders to break the count. I can reach behind me and do this”. Karen reached back and pinched my nipples, not hard, but so I knew it was up to her as to how hard she could do it. She then demonstrated the other things she could do from this position, she slapped my chest, and then punched my chest lightly, she shifted a little bit and put her tits on my face, not in a smother position but more to torment me. She shifted a little again and showed me she could reach back and grab my cock without losing her control position, she then moved her crotch closer to my face and grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head into her pussy. This position she held longer than she had the other demonstrations, and I was not going to complain as the aroma of her arousal was very evident. I may not have been too experienced, but that wonderful smell I recognized. Karen then let my head down but kept hold of my hair and suddenly rolled to her side extending her legs, so she now had me in a head scissors. She squeezed a little and released, again as more of an example of what she could do to cause me to submit. Karen laughed at the control she had, and she released my hair but not the scissor hold. She then pulled her t-shirt off over her head as she stated she was getting sweaty. She had a bright red bikini top on that held her tits very much in place but still showed off her great cleavage. She continued to hold the scissors on me and would give little squeezes here and there and asked me how I liked the view. I laughed a little and said the view was awesome, but it was time for an alternative view. I swung my leg up and rolled over, so I put Karen on her stomach, and I got myself into a kneeling position with my head still between her thighs, I sat down on Karen’s back and put my hands on her ass and pushed down and slid my head out. As she started to struggle, I grabbed her by the knees and pulled her legs back. I crossed her legs at the ankles and placed her top foot under my right arm and slid back as far as her legs would bend. Karen kept struggling and tried to push up with her arms to take the pressure off, so I sat back more to allow my weight to push her back down and Karen said, “fuck that was a good move, now let me up”. “Do you submit?” I asked. “No, this is just practice, we aren’t having a match”. “Didn’t stop you from making me submit earlier, so if you want out, either submit, or get out of it”. I could feel Karen trying to use her leg strength to push me forward and make me lose my position on her back, so I leaned a little further back to counter her attempts. Karen was starting to get frustrated and started swearing like a sailor at me. “Fuck you, when I get a hold of you, I am going to slap your cock so hard you’ll beg me to suck it to make it feel better”. With that said, Karen started to twist her body back and forth trying to throw me off balance. I was able to hold on, but knew I needed a new position to insure my domination at this point. I used my left hand to grab the waistband of her sweatpants and pulled them off her ass and slid them to about mid-thigh so her leg movement would be slightly restricted. She was wearing a pair of satin white panties, not really sexy, but not what you would call granny panties either. I released Karen’s legs, slapped her ass as hard as I could, and spun back to go towards her head. As I got to her head, Karen rolled over on her back and I got a real good head lock on her. Karen’s chin was firmly set in my armpit, which I am sure at this point didn’t smell nearly as good as her pussy did to me earlier. We locked eyes and while I was smiling, Karen had the sexiest look of determination on her face as she tried to struggle to get out of the headlock. “Do you wanna submit yet? You are going to being sucking my cock anyways, might as well get on with it by giving up now”. “I am not finished with you yet asshole, and you’ll get your cock sucked after you have sucked my pussy dry”. Karen got another handful of my hair and started to pull my head back, I didn’t let go of the headlock, but her pulling made me assist her in sitting up, which then allowed her to get her left arm under my legs and pull me over onto my back. This loosened my hold enough for Karen to slip her head out. She now had me in a precarious spot with my shoulders on the mat and her holding my legs up in the air. Karen’s sweatpants were still around her knees, but she was able to shuffle around enough to get herself into a position above my head while still holding onto my legs. I pushed hard with my legs and she was not able to hold on, but the movement put her on top of me with her head around my crotch and her crotch above my face again. Karen dropped her hips onto my face so all I could see was the bottom of her panties and the under curve of her lovely ass. She started to wiggle around on my face which I thought was her enjoying the position and also trying to torment me some more, but it was her getting her sweatpants off so she could get her legs free. Once she achieved that, she grabbed the sides of my shorts and underwear, and she sat up and placed that ass right on my face and simultaneously stripped off my garments. This made me suddenly aware of two things; one, I was unable to breathe in this position, and two, my cock was not hard at all. As it turned out, both were only temporary situations, and easily explainable. I could not breathe because Karen’s ass and pussy were firmly planted on my face, and the lack of erection was due to the exertion used to try and win our little tussle and not thinking about the sexual side of it. Once Karen shifted her position to where I was able to breathe, she asked if I was now ready to submit. I was unable to see anything except white satin and I was keenly aware of the moisture on my nose and that unmistakeable fragrance of the aroused woman. I could not move but I still said no to her request to submit. Karen then twisted my nipples a little which made me squirm and she asked again, “do you submit you fucker?” I again declined. I knew I was starting to get an erection and as Karen was looking right at it she knew it as well, so she made good on her previous statement. First, she stroked me to get me as hard as she thought was necessary, she placed her one hand down flat around my cock to make sure it was standing straight up in the air with her fingers over my balls, then suddenly I felt her slap my cock. The first slap was slightly painful, but nothing debilitating, the second was slightly harder I thought, but like she had said the night before, not as hard as I have been punched in the shoulder by a friend. Karen asked me again if I would give up, I said, “fuck you slut, I’m not done with you yet” and Karen laughed and all she said was “oh my, you are good”. This was the beginning of the end of the match as Karen squirmed around on my face a little which seemed to move her panties away from my nose and I could feel her pussy hair tickling my moustache and mouth, and the dampness I felt earlier seemed to be more intense and less like a damp satin material. She then slapped my cock again, harder this time, and this time it stung and made me groan a bit. Karen then punched my chest, again not hard, but enough to make me wince. She proceeded to punch my chest, pinch my nipples and slap my cock five or six more times before asking if I had enough. At that point I was drained and finally said I give up.

Karen stood up over my head looking down at me, I noticed that her panties were pulled to one side as I thought they had been, and she said “you caught on to this very well, I am very impressed. There are still some things we need to work on I think, but not nearly as much as I thought we would. The wrestling lesson for today is over”. I must have looked disappointed because Karen giggled and said “your face gives you away so much. Don’t worry we are done wrestling, but I’m not done playing with you yet.” Karen stepped around me so she was at my feet, I started to get up and she told me to stay where I was. Karen removed her bikini top and her panties and stood at my feet naked and I was as hard as I had ever felt my cock to be. She told me to remove my shirt which I did rapidly and then I laid back down. Karen smiled at my quickness and walked her way up towards my head and as she started to kneel down, she began massaging her tits and said “to the winner goes the spoils”. She gave me a deep passionate kiss and then slid her pussy up to my face and told me to show her how I eat pussy. This time instead of forcing her weight down on my face she seemed to place her pussy on my mouth firmly but without the intent to keep me from moving. I used my tongue as best as I knew how to, and I seemed to be doing a good job as Karen was moaning and pulling my hair again but in a far less painful way. Karen started getting trucker mouth again, “fuck yes, keep doing that, suck my clit, my god that’s good. I want your cock in my mouth”. She swiveled around and got into the classic 69 position with me and once she was in position, she lowered her pussy onto my face again and started grinding on my extended tongue which she let out a loud deep moan and an oh fuck yes comment. I then felt her mouth go down on my cock and now it was my turn to swear. “Holy fuck that feels awesome”. Karen said “shut up and lick my pussy and don’t say anything more until you cum in my mouth.” I was in heaven. This was the best sexual experience I had ever had in my short life to this point and still arouses me today when I think of it. I do not know how long we were in the 69, but I could only suspect it was 10 to 15 minutes before I came in a very convulsive manner and Karen held on and took in every single drop. I found out from her afterwards that while she suspected she had a number of small orgasms herself through the exchange, she had a huge one when I came as well. This explained the body quivering I felt from her after I regained my senses from my own powerful orgasm. When she started to move instead of rolling off me as I expected, she started to lick and suck my cock again, slowly at first and then more intensely, obviously trying to keep me hard, and it was definitely working. She started to rub her pussy on my face again and I eagerly began licking again. Karen suddenly, and with a loud pop, took my cock out of her mouth and slid down my body and positioned herself over my cock. She looked over her shoulder and said, “remember how I told you I like my sex?” “fuck yes I do”, was my response, and I braced myself for what I knew was going to come. Karen lowered herself onto my cock slowly and started to move up and down a couple of times easily, and then the pace picked up. She started to go faster and with more intensity, when she began to slam down harder, I knew it was time to not only thrust back hard, but to slap her ass. Karen was screaming out things like, fuck yes, and harder, and spank my ass, and the one that initially shocked me because I was always told women hated the word, “fuck my cunt!” Being the good guy I was, I did as I was instructed and interjected the occasional comment of my own which Karen told me later, she didn’t expect me to do, but loved it as well. I alternated the ass slaps on each cheek as she continued to slam down as hard as she could until she convulsed again and I could feel her pussy tighten around my cock and she seemed to stop breathing briefly. Then Karen began to continually scream fuck over and over again as her body convulsed and quivered again and again. When she stooped, she slowly spun around to face me while still sitting on my cock and the look on her face was priceless. She was smiling like I had never seen her smile before and stared into my eyes and started to move up and down again slowly at first and then began to pick up the pace again, never taking her eyes off of mine. She now had the glare of a woman possessed with lust and was biting her bottom lip while grinding back and forth on top of me. She started to go up and down hard again and leaned forward to get herself a better angle to slam down harder. Once the swearing started again, I knew it was my cue to start slamming her back. I reached up and grabbed her hair and pulled as hard as I could with one hand and slapped her bouncing tits hard with my other hand. Karen was riding me so hard I started to feel some pain in my hips, but there was no way I was going to stop. She started to scream out fuck again and after one particularly hard slap to her tits she got wide eyed and grabbed my hair, leaned forward and started to slap me in the face with her tits. She was now in an orgasmic frenzy and she told me later she couldn’t remember anything after she started slapping me with her tits. What happened was she stopped going up and down and just kept grinding away while she was smothering me with her tits. She eventually sat back up and convulsed repeatedly as she had multiple orgasms, while she was doing so, I reached up grabbed her tits and squeezed them as if I was holding on to the horn of a saddle. This seemed to make her convulse some more and brought that look of lust back to her face. Eventually she stopped and seemed to become aware of her surroundings again. She looked at me again with the precious smile she had and said that now it was my turn again. She started grinding me again and started to ride me but not nearly as hard as she had before. She was licking her lips and looking me in the eyes and said “I want you to cum as hard as you did last time. I want you to scream in pleasure and enjoy everything I am doing to you. Fuck me hard as you like, as hard as needed to make you cum. Talk as dirty to me as you want, tell me what I can do to make you cum, and then tell me just before you are ready to cum”. “Just ride my cock like you are and tell me how you feel. Play with your tits as you enjoy the ride yourself. That’s it fuck me like that. FUCK that is hot!, put those tits in my face I want to suck your nipples”. She did as I requested and while leaning over with her tits in my face, she said “your cock is amazing, it is so hard I can feel every vein in my pussy, I could fuck it all day long”. That was what I needed, and I felt the swell of my orgasm starting. I started to thrust faster into her pussy, and she could tell I was close. “I can feel it starting, I want you to cum so hard, tell me when it’s going to happen”. As I got close, I started to swear as well and Karen sat up and told me to watch her riding my cock, and when I was about to cum I did as I was told and told her I was cumming. Suddenly she got off my cock and slid down my body and put my cock in her mouth and started sucking me off again. I lost my mind and my load like never before. Karen grabbed hold of my ass and held on as I was apparently bucking around so much, she thought I was going to toss her off. When I was done, I realized Karen was still sucking my cock although not as vigorously as she had after the blowjob she gave me earlier. I was done at this point and had stopped moving completely and just looked down watching Karen making love to my cock, even though it was slowly getting soft. She took my cock out of her mouth and placed her head on my thigh while still massaging my cock and balls and looking alternatively from my package to my face.

I finally broke the silence by simply saying “that was amazing”. Karen lifted her head up and said it definitely was and she was sorry if she had hurt me at all, but she was just lost in her orgasms and lost all control. I said “please lose control as many times as you want to, never hold back. You told me to never hold back in a match, I expect the same from you during sex, because this was unbelievable”. She looked at me in a more serious expression and asked if there was anything about what we did today that I did not care for and did not want to have happen again. I laughed and told her I don’t want to lose the match again, but otherwise everything was acceptable and then some, and asked if there was anything I did that was inappropriate. She laughed and said you didn’t slap my ass and tits enough during the match, but that will come with time.

We both got up a little wobbly and gathered our clothes. The clock on the wall said it was 8:45 and it was definitely time for me to head back to my place in Hamilton. She asked if I wanted to take a shower and I said I should, but there wasn’t enough time and I usually shower before I go to bed, so taking a shower might make me a little too drowsy for the drive. “Besides, I like the smell of you all over me and want it to linger for as long as it can”. Karen laughed and called me a liar and a charmer and told me to get dressed and get going. While I dressed, she went and grabbed a robe and I took note of the wonderful sway to her hips and wiggle it caused in her ass, and I felt my cock twinge again, but I had to get going and could not take another bruising of my hips tonight. As was her rules we said our good nights in the basement and I left again by the side door and headed home, smiling all the way, and planning my strategy for our next match.

Written by Wyldesguy

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