Married couple of 4 years who are New and curious to this whole aspect of sexual adventures.
We aren't looking for any single Males right now but if we change our minds we will be sure to let you know. We are however, Interested in meeting new couples with like minded views. To learn more about the lifestyle and get our toes wet as this is completely new to us.
Intros: We are an occupied married couple with alot of work and family obligations. We have what one can say, a very stressful busy life and we are exploring new ways we can unwind and be ourselves. We have amazing sex together and are really excited to share with others! We both go to the gym and like to focus on our health and fitness. The Wife is curvy , short, and loves to have sexual tension before initiating anything. The husband is tall , lean and can make a girl orgasm any way she desires. Our details are as follows if curious: Wife is 5'4"/145lbs, Husband is 6'4"/215lbs.
We have only been with each other for more than 8 years and we expect others to be clean and hygienic
Likes: Wife likes taller men who have a dominant personality, and women of a submissive nature .Husband likes all body types and has a great interest in big booty's ;). We are also interested in cuckolding.
Let us know if we might seem to jive with what you are looking for :)